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Référent·e Ressources Humaines Siège - SIEGE- basé à FRA-Asnieres-sur-Seine
Country: France Organization: Première Urgence Internationale Closing date: 30 Jun 2024 Contrat à durée Indéterminée Date de prise de poste : 03/06/2024 Localisation : Asnières-Sur-Seine PUI aux quatre coins du monde Forte de ses 40 années d’expérience, Première Urgence Internationale : Vient en aide à près de 6 millions de bénéficiaires Avec un budget de plus de 100 Millions € par an Répartis dans 24 pays, sur 5 continents Grâce à l’implication et l’engagement de : Plus de 2500 collaborateurs nationaux Environ 225 expatriés de 50 nationalités différentes Et 120 salariés au siège PUI œuvre dans 10 secteurs d’intervention et se distingue par la mise en place d’une approche intégrée dans sa réponse. Cette méthode vise à identifier et comprendre l’ensemble des besoins des personnes touchées par une crise. Nos équipes se mobilisent pour apporter une réponse globale à l’ensemble des besoins fondamentaux des populations victimes de crises humanitaires dans l’urgence jusqu’à leur permettre de retrouver autonomie et dignité. Pour en savoir plus sur notre histoire, nos valeurs, nos domaines d’intervention. Zoom sur le Service RH Opérationnelles Le Service RH Opérationnelles est en cours de création. La mission de ses membres est de participer à l'accompagnement du siège et des missions sur les différents aspects RH pour garantir la connaissance du cadre de PUI et sa bonne application sur le terrain et au siège. Et le Référent·e Ressources Humaines Siège dans tout ça? En tant que Référent·e Ressources Humaines siège, vous serez le partenaire RH clé du siège, en lien avec les différents services, les salariés et les managers. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Expertise et Conseil RH : vous accompagnerez les équipes dans leur connaissance des cadres et politiques, vous serez le garant de la bonne application des standards de PUI et coordonnerez l’information RH auprès des équipes. Conformité : vous veillerez au suivi budgétaire RH, participerez aux audits siège et à la mise en place de recommandations, vous contribuerez au suivi des Timesheets. Suivi RH : vous assurerez la gestion du processus d’évaluation annuelle, du processus de conduite des entretiens professionnels biannuels et des entretiens réguliers avec le personnel siège. Vous serez chargé d’identifier les problématiques RH individuelles en lien avec les managers et contribuerez à la construction du plan de formation. Vous proposerez des actions en vue de prévenir les risques psychosociaux (RPS). Amélioration des pratiques internes, des outils et du développement RH : vous contribuerez à l’optimisation des outils RH siège, ainsi qu’à l’amélioration constante des politiques, procédures et outils RH. Contribution aux dossiers transverses et qualité de vie au travail : vous accompagnerez l’évolution de l’organisation, participerez à l'amélioration de nos pratiques notamment en termes de télétravail, rémunération ou marque employeur et contribuerez à l'animation RH et à la diffusion de la culture de notre association. Les défis qui vous attendent: 1/ Poste basé au siège à Asnières-sur-Seine, afin de contribuer en présentiel au support RH et à la diffusion de la culture PUI au siège (télétravail ponctuel possible) ; 2/ Participation à la structuration d'un nouveau service et à l'évolution de la fonction RH Ce qu'il vous faudra pour réussir Formation : Vous pouvez justifier d’une formation initiale (Bac+3) en Ressources Humaines ou en gestion de projet de solidarité internationale. Expérience : Vous êtes fort·e d’une expérience terrain préalable avec une ONG internationale, c’est un atout ! Vous avez une expérience au siège à des postes similaires : cela serait un atout indéniable ! Compétences : Vous faites preuve d’une très bonne maîtrise d’Excel et avez un goût prononcé pour le travail sur les outils informatiques et les améliorations de procédures ? Ce poste est pour vous ! Qualités requises : Vous montrez un bon relationnel, une facilité de communication, tant à l'écrit qu'à l'oral. Vous faîtes preuve d’un grand sens de l’organisation, de rigueur, de proactivité et de gestion du stress. Vous êtes force de proposition et avez le sens des responsabilités. Vous aimez trouver des solutions quand un blocage se présente. Langues : Le français et l’anglais n’ont aucun secret pour vous ? Tant mieux, c’est indispensable pour ce poste ! La maîtrise de l’espagnol est un plus. Le mot du manager « Venez participer à la mise en place d’un nouveau service RH en mettant votre expérience humanitaire, votre bonne humeur et votre motivation au service de l’accompagnement RH du siège ! » PUI vous proposera Statut: Cadre Salaire: 3 100,00 - 3 400,00 EUR bruts mensuel sur 12 mois, selon expérience Couverture médicale: 80% de la mutuelle Santé et Prévoyance Prise en charge: Prise en charge à hauteur de 50% du titre de transport et à hauteur de 60% des Tickets Restaurant (d'une valeur faciale de 9€) Repos: 5 semaines de congés payés par an + 1 RTT par mois (37h/semaine) Une politique de télétravail flexible, basée sur trois modalités. Nos engagements Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement. Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l'ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique. Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte. Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et vous adhérez à nos engagements ? Vous vous sentez prêt·e à relever le challenge et à rejoindre la grande famille PUI ? How to applyMerci de suivre ce lien et de remplir le formulaire sur notre site carrière.
Référent·e RH opérationnelles - Urgences - SIEGE- basé à FRA-Asnieres-sur-Seine
Country: France Organization: Première Urgence Internationale Closing date: 30 Jun 2024 Contrat à durée indéterminée Prise de poste : 03/06/2024 Localisation : FRA-Asnières-sur-Seine PUI aux quatre coins du monde Forte de ses 40 années d’expérience, Première Urgence Internationale : Vient en aide à près de 6 millions de bénéficiaires Avec un budget de plus de 100 Millions € par an Répartis dans 24 pays, sur 5 continents Grâce à l’implication et l’engagement de : Plus de 2500 collaborateurs nationaux Environ 225 expatriés de 50 nationalités différentes Et 120 salariés au siège PUI œuvre dans 10 secteurs d’intervention et se distingue par la mise en place d’une approche intégrée dans sa réponse. Cette méthode vise à identifier et comprendre l’ensemble des besoins des personnes touchées par une crise. Nos équipes se mobilisent pour apporter une réponse globale à l’ensemble des besoins fondamentaux des populations victimes de crises humanitaires dans l’urgence jusqu’à leur permettre de retrouver autonomie et dignité. Pour en savoir plus sur notre histoire, nos valeurs, nos domaines d’intervention. Zoom sur le Service RH Opérationnel Le Service RH Opérationnel est en cours de création. La mission de ses membres est de participer à l'accompagnement des missions sur les différents aspects RH pour garantir la connaissance du cadre de PUI et sa bonne application sur le terrain. Et le Référent·e RH opérationnel dans tout ça? En tant que Référent·e RH opérationnel vous serez en charge d’accompagner les missions d'ugences et les missions exploratoires de PUI. Vous interviendrez en appui fonctionnel RH auprès des missions d'urgences en ouverture. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Vous accompagnerez les missions dans la production de cadres en lien avec le contexte opérationnel. Vous serez le garant de la bonne application des standards de PUI sur vos missions. Vous participerez à la stratégie RH et au dimensionnement des équipes. Vous contribuerez au développement des compétences RH sur votre pôle géographique auprès des Coordinateurs des Ressources Humaines et auprès des différents points focaux RH. A travers des visites régulières, vous participerez au déploiement des différents chantiers RH. Les défis qui vous attendent: 1/ Participer à la structuration d'un nouveau service. 2/ Accompagner les missions de du pôle urgence sur tout les aspects RH 3/ Contribuer à la diffusion du cadre de PUI Ce qu'il vous faudra pour réussir Formation Vous pouvez justifier d’une formation initiale (Bac+3) en Ressources Humaines ou en gestion de projet de solidarité internationale. Expérience Vous êtes fort.e d’une expérience terrain préalable avec une ONG internationale, c’est indispensable ! Vous avez une expérience au siège à des postes similaires : cela serait un atout indéniable ! Compétences Vous faites preuve d’une très bonne maîtrise d’Excel et avez un goût prononcé pour le travail sur les outils informatiques. Vous avez déjà travaillé sur le logiciel Homère ? Ce poste est pour vous ! Qualités requises Vous montrez un bon relationnel, une facilité de communication, tant à l'écrit qu'à l'oral. Vous faîtes preuve d’un grand sens de l’organisation, de rigueur, de proactivité et de gestion du stress. Vous êtes force de proposition et avez le sens des responsabilités. Vous aimez trouver des solutions quand un blocage se présente. Langues Le français et l’anglais n’ont aucun secret pour vous ? Tant mieux, c’est indispensable pour ce poste ! La maîtrise de l’espagnol est un plus. Le mot du manager «Venez participer à la mise en place d’un nouveau service à PUI en mettant votre expérience, votre bonne humeur et votre motivation au service de l’accompagnement RH des missions.» PUI vous proposera Statut: Cadre Salaire: 3300 EUR bruts mensuel sur 12 mois, selon expérience Couverture médicale: 80% de la mutuelle Santé et Prévoyance Prise en charge: Prise en charge à hauteur de 50% du titre de transport et à hauteur de 60% des Tickets Restaurant (d'une valeur faciale de 9€) Repos: 5 semaines de congés payés par an + 1 RTT par mois (37h/semaine) Une politique de télétravail flexible, basée sur trois modalités. Nos engagements Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement. Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l'ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique. Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte. Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et vous adhérez à nos engagements ? Vous vous sentez prêt·e à relever le challenge et à rejoindre la grande famille PUI ? How to applyMerci de suivre ce lien et de remplir le formulaire sur notre site carrière.
Chargé·e de Recrutement et Mobilité - SIEGE- basé à FRA-Asnieres-sur-Seine
Country: France Organization: Première Urgence Internationale Closing date: 30 Jun 2024 Contrat à durée indéterminée Prise de poste : 02/05/2024 Localisation : FRA-Asnières-sur-Seine PUI aux quatre coins du monde Forte de ses 40 années d’expérience, Première Urgence Internationale : Vient en aide à près de 6 millions de bénéficiaires Avec un budget de plus de 100 Millions € par an Répartis dans 24 pays, sur 5 continents Grâce à l’implication et l’engagement de : Plus de 2500 collaborateurs nationaux Environ 225 expatriés de 50 nationalités différentes Et 120 salariés au siège PUI œuvre dans 10 secteurs d’intervention et se distingue par la mise en place d’une approche intégrée dans sa réponse. Cette méthode vise à identifier et comprendre l’ensemble des besoins des personnes touchées par une crise. Nos équipes se mobilisent pour apporter une réponse globale à l’ensemble des besoins fondamentaux des populations victimes de crises humanitaires dans l’urgence jusqu’à leur permettre de retrouver autonomie et dignité. Pour en savoir plus sur notre histoire, nos valeurs, nos domaines d’intervention. Zoom sur Le Service Recrutement et Développement des Compétences Le Service Recrutement et Développement des Compétences est en cours de création et se composera de 10 personnes. La mission de ses membres est de recruter par filière métier, d'intégrer les collaborateurs et de travailler au développement des compétences pour accompagner la mobilité interne. Et le Chargé·e de Recrutement et Mobilité dans tout ça? En tant que Chargé·e de Recrutement et Mobilité, et en lien avec les référents métiers des filières dont vous aurez la responsabilité, vous serez en charge du recrutement, et assurerez la mobilité interne et l’animation du vivier de vos filières. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Vous serez responsable du recrutement de tous les profils de votre/vos filière(s) métier. Vous serez le point focal mobilité des membres de la/des filière(s) suivie(s) et de l’animation du vivier pour ces mêmes profils. Vous co-piloterez l’ensemble des chantiers RH requérant des améliorations, configurations, mises à jour et créations d’outils pour la/les filières suivies. Vous contribuerez aux actions de Communication et à la diffusion de la marque employeur de PUI auprès des candidats, membres du vivier et collaborateurs en poste pour la filière. Vous participerez au développement, à la mise à jour et diffusion des politiques, procédures, outils et documents RH en lien avec le recrutement et la gestion de la mobilité. Les défis qui vous attendent: 1/ Accompagner la transition vers une nouvelle organisation du travail et des rôles et responsabilités en matière de recrutement et de gestion de la mobilité du personnel ; 2/ Relancer la création d'un vivier par filière métier pour anticiper les recrutements futurs ; 3/ Faire connaissance avec l'ensemble des membres actuels du vivier de la filière métier, déjà en poste chez PUI et devenir le point focal de leur gestion de carrière dans l'organisation Ce qu'il vous faudra pour réussir Formation Vous pouvez justifier d’une formation initiale (Bac+3) en Ressources Humaines ou en gestion de projet de solidarité internationale. Expérience Vous avez déjà été en charge d’un grand volume de postes à recruter ? C’est indispensable pour ce poste. Vous êtes fort·e d’une expérience terrain préalable avec une ONG internationale, c’est un atout ! Vous avez une bonne compréhension des enjeux de recrutement dans l’humanitaire. Ce sera un atout indéniable ! Compétences Vous faites preuve d’une très bonne maîtrise d’Excel et avez un goût prononcé pour le travail sur les outils informatiques. Ce poste est pour vous ! Qualités requises Vous montrez un bon relationnel, une facilité de communication, tant à l'écrit qu'à l'oral. Vous faîtes preuve d’un grand sens de l’organisation, de rigueur, et de proactivité. Vous êtes force de proposition et avez le sens des responsabilités. Vous aimez trouver des solutions quand un blocage se présente, vous avez une excellente résistance au stress. Langues Le français et l’anglais n’ont aucun secret pour vous ? Tant mieux, c’est indispensable pour ce poste ! La maîtrise de l’espagnol est un plus pour ce poste. Le mot du manager « Tu es dynamique, organisé·e et motivé·e, rejoins notre toute première équipe de CRM qui travaillera par filière métier, une grande nouveauté chez PUI. Le Service Recrutement et développement des compétences t'attend, n'hésite plus ! » PUI vous proposera Statut: Cadre Salaire: 3000 bruts mensuel sur 12 mois, selon expérience Couverture médicale: 80% de la mutuelle Santé et Prévoyance Prise en charge: Prise en charge à hauteur de 50% du titre de transport et à hauteur de 60% des Tickets Restaurant (d'une valeur faciale de 9€) Repos: 5 semaines de congés payés par an + 1 RTT par mois (37h/semaine) Une politique de télétravail flexible, basée sur trois modalités. Nos engagements Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement. Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l'ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique. Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte. Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et vous adhérez à nos engagements ? Vous vous sentez prêt·e à relever le challenge et à rejoindre la grande famille PUI ? How to applyMerci de suivre ce lien et de remplir le formulaire sur notre site carrière.
Responsable Géographique - FRANCE - basé à Asnieres-sur-Seine
Country: France Organization: Première Urgence Internationale Closing date: 30 Jun 2024 Contrat à durée déterminé - 2,5 mois Prise de poste : 24/06/2024 Localisation : FRA - Asnieres-sur-Seine PUI aux quatre coins du monde Forte de ses 40 années d’expérience, Première Urgence Internationale : Vient en aide à près de 6 millions de bénéficiaires Avec un budget de plus de 100 Millions € par an Répartis dans 22 pays, sur 5 continents Grâce à l’implication et l’engagement de : Plus de 2500 collaborateurs nationaux Environ 225 expatriés de 45 nationalités différentes Et 120 salariés au siège PUI œuvre dans 10 secteurs d’intervention et se distingue par la mise en place d’une approche intégrée dans sa réponse. Cette méthode vise à identifier et comprendre l’ensemble des besoins des personnes touchées par une crise. Nos équipes se mobilisent pour apporter une réponse globale à l’ensemble des besoins fondamentaux des populations victimes de crises humanitaires dans l’urgence jusqu’à leur permettre de retrouver autonomie et dignité. Pour en savoir plus sur notre histoire, nos valeurs, nos domaines d’intervention. Zoom sur la Direction des Opérations La Direction des Opérations se compose de 30 personnes. La mission de ses membres est de déployer la stratégie de l'Association, de mettre en œuvre les projets et d'apporter un appui aux équipes terrain. Et le Responsable Géographique dans tout ça? En tant que Responsable Géographique, vous serez responsable de la bonne marche opérationnelle, du développement des missions, de la sécurité et du respect des procédures de l’Association pour la zone dont vous serez en charge. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Stratégie : vous validerez la stratégie d’intervention dans les pays d’intervention et piloterez le développement et financement des projets et partenariats opérationnels nécessaires pour sa mise en œuvre. Opérations : vous appuierez et superviserez la mise en œuvre, la pertinence, efficience et la qualité des interventions, ainsi que le traitement des risques identifiés dans les zones d’intervention. Sécurité : vous serez le réfèrent sécurité de vos pays d’interventions dont vous serez en charge. Représentation et Communication : vous représenterez l’association auprès des partenaires, acteurs humanitaires, bailleurs, médias et des différentes autorités. Management : vous recruterez et assurerez le management des Chefs de Mission et des chargés de Programmes. Stratégie de la Direction des Opérations et de Première Urgence Internationale : vous contribuerez à l’élaboration de la stratégie institutionnelle et vous serez le garant de la transmission de cette stratégie au pôle géographique et aux missions. Les défis qui vous attendent: Pilotage de la phase d'élaboration des stratégie pays, sur un pôle remanié (reshuffle des portefeuilles missions des pôles géographiques) ; Enjeux de développement opérationnel important des missions dans un contexte de compétition accru pour les ressources suite à la réduction attendue des fonds institutionnels Ce qu'il vous faudra pour réussir Formation : Vous pouvez justifier d’un diplôme supérieur (min. Master 2 ou équivalent) dans un domaine lié à l'action humanitaire: gestion de projet, formation technique en lien avec l'un de nos secteurs d'intervention, gestion des ressources humaines, gestion financière, etc. Expérience : Vous êtes fort d’une expérience similaire au siège d’une ONG ou d'au moins 4 années d’expérience terrain en ONG internationale, dans la coordination de projets et d’équipe dans des contexte d’urgence ou post urgence. L'expérience en gestion de projets financés par des bailleurs de fonds institutionnelles est indispensable, ainsi que la gestion de la sécurité. Vous connaissez les zones d’intervention ? Ce sera fortement apprécié. Vous avez déjà travaillé avec Première Urgence Internationale ? Ce sera un atout indéniable ! Compétences : Vous avez de très fortes capacités managériales incluant la gestion d’équipe à distance. Vous disposez d'excellentes capacités rédactionnelles. Qualités requises : Vous avez des capacités d’analyse, de réflexion et vous vous considérez pragmatique. Vous montrez un bon relationnel, une facilité de communication, tant à l'écrit qu'à l'oral, et vous avez le goût du travail en équipe. Vous faites preuve de leadership et de capacité à prendre des décisions, de fiabilité et de sens des responsabilités, de rigueur et d'organisation, de réactivité et d'adaptabilité. Vous êtes diplomate et vous avez une capacité et un goût pour la négociation. Vous avez une excellente résistance au stress et une capacité à travailler sous pression. Langues : Vous parlez le français et l’anglais couramment ? C’est indispensable pour ce poste ! Le mot du manager « Mission estivale aux challenges élevés pour des candidats qui souhaiteraient se tester sur un poste de responsable géographique ou pour des personnes avec ce type d'expérience et qui rechercheraient à s'investir sur un temps court en soutien à des missions sur des contextes humanitaires variés (Yemen, Ukraine, Colombie et Venezuela) et où leur expérience serait un sacré plus pour PUI. » PUI vous proposera Statut: Cadre Salaire: 4120 EUR bruts mensuel sur 12 mois Couverture médicale: 80% de la mutuelle Santé et Prévoyance Prise en charge: Prise en charge à hauteur de 50% du titre de transport et à hauteur de 60% des Tickets Restaurant (d'une valeur faciale de 9€) Repos:5 semaines de congés payés par an + 1 RTT par mois (37h/semaine) Nos engagements Première Urgence Internationale considère la diversité des nationalités, genres, croyances, profils et statuts au sein de ses Ressources Humaines comme un atout majeur pour son action humanitaire, et s’astreint donc au strict respect du principe de non-discrimination tout au long de son processus de recrutement. Première Urgence Internationale pratique une politique de tolérance zéro envers l’exploitation, les abus sexuels et à la maltraitance, sous toutes ses formes, des femmes, enfants et toutes autres personnes vulnérables. Elle mobilise l'ensemble de son personnel dans la promotion, la diffusion et le respect des principes édictés dans sa charte éthique. Veuillez noter que Première Urgence Internationale ne sollicitera en aucun cas une participation financière pour des frais administratifs liés au recrutement. Toute information allant dans ce sens serait frauduleuse, merci de ne pas en tenir compte. Vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et vous adhérez à nos engagements ? Vous vous sentez prêt·e à relever le challenge et à rejoindre la grande famille PUI ? How to applyMerci de suivre ce lien et de remplir le formulaire sur notre site carrière.
Country: France Organization: Action contre la Faim France Closing date: 26 May 2024 About : Action contre la Faim Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires - indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence - fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d'urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d'activités : Nutrition et Santé - Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection - Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d'Existence - Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène - Plaidoyer. En 2022, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 28 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde. www.actioncontrelafaim.org Mission : Dans le cadre de cette alternance, tu appuieras le Référent de projets du service SAE dans le développement des KPIs et dans l'optimisation des outils et process liés. Tu travailleras aussi à cet effet étroitement avec le département des systèmes d'informations. Tes principales missions seront : Prendre part au développement et à la mise à jour de tableaux d'indicateurs de performance et d'activité Mise en place de tableaux d'indicateur via Power BI Extraction des données des Systèmes d'Information pertinents Création des modèles (Python, Power BI) pour mettre en forme et relier les données Participation aux analyses des données Appui aux utilisateurs en vue de fluidifier l'accès à la data et sa compréhension Etre en appui à la modélisation des processus métiers Mise à jour des processus métiers actuel du service ou impliquant le service Participation à l'identification des optimisations réalisables et à leur formalisation (approche lean) Participation à l'identification des nouveaux besoins en lien avec l'évolution de la stratégie de gestion des approvisionnements. Participation à la définition des processus cibles et à leur formalisation Participer à l'amélioration continue des outils métiers Appui à la collecte et identification des optimisations nécessaires Appui à la définition des cahiers des charges Suivi des développements avec services techniques et réalisation de recettes Formalisation des guides utilisateurs Formation des utilisateurs Outils principalement utilisés par le service : UNIT4 - Link - Excel - Power BI Etre en support à la gestion projet du service Appui à la mise à jour des outils et documents de référence suivi des projets Participation aux ateliers stratégique du service et du département Apport de support sur les projets du service approvisionnement et expédition. Profile : Tu prépares une formation Bac+4/+5 en logistique, Data Analyst ou équivalent. Tu sais faire preuve d'organisation, d'écoute et de gestion des priorités. Tu es également capable de passer rapidement d'une activité à une autre tout en étant force de proposition. Tu es rigoureux·se et fiable, tu fais preuve d'esprit d'analyse et d'agilité dans le maniement des chiffres et des outils informatiques notamment d'Excel. Tu es organisé·e, proactif·ve et autonome. Tu as aussi un bon sens relationnel et justifie idéalement d'une première expérience (Stage/alternance) dans l'analyse de données et/ou Logistique. Tu es reconnu·e pour ta capacité d'analyse et de production de documents de synthèses Tu es formé·e et en cours de maitrise des outils suivants : Power BI, Power Query, SQL, VBA, Python. Compte tenu du contexte international de l'Association, un bon niveau d'anglais (écrit et oral) sera très apprécié. Conditions d'emploi ? Statut : Contrat de professionnalisation ou d'apprentissage en alternance de 12 mois Durée du contrat : 12 mois à 24 mois Lieu : Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) Conditions Salariales : - Rémunération basée sur le minimum légal, ajustée selon l'âge et le niveau de formation, sur 13 mois - 21 jours de RTT (proratisés selon le temps de présence) - Couverture santé et prévoyance : Prise en charge à 80% par ACF - Transport : 50% du forfait entre le domicile et le lieu de travail - Titres-restaurant : 60% de prise en charge par l'association (valeur de 8euros) - Avantages sociaux : oeuvres sociales, réductions sur les tickets de cinéma Télétravail : Ouvert à tou·te·s depuis la métropole. Notre politique de télétravail encadre les activités nécessitant une présence au siège de l'association. Tu pourras choisir de travailler pleinement ou partiellement en télétravail. Pour ce poste, une présence obligatoire de 3 jours par mois est prévue au siège, avec des temps dédiés aux réunions et événements collectifs (3 jours par mois en moyenne). Les 6 premières semaines incluront 2 jours de présence obligatoire par semaine pour ton intégration dans l'équipe. Conditions particulières : Station assise prolongée, communication orale, travail sur écran, contacts téléphoniques How to applyPour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here
Country: Ukraine Organization: Action contre la Faim France Closing date: 27 May 2024 About : Action contre la Faim Created in 1979, Action contre la Faim is a non-governmental organization that fights against hunger. Its charter of humanitarian principals- independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency - has been part of its identity for more than 40 years. Its mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of under-nutrition, particularly during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts or natural disasters. Action contre la Faim focuses its actions on 5 main areas of expertise: Nutrition and Health - Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Protection - Food Security and Livelihoods - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - Advocacy. In 2022, Action contre la Faim provided aid to 28 million people in more than 46 countries worldwide. www.actioncontrelafaim.org Mission : We are looking for our new Field Coordinator based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Under the supervision of the Country Director, you will be responsible for providing leadership at field office level in order to deliver a quality and timely response to events as assigned. More specifically, your role will be to : Provide overall leadership at field level, in support of program set up and implementation (scale-up of new activities, opening of new areas/locations, internal emergencies) Provide supervision to the support field team (finance, HR and logistics) in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the emergency response within the zone of operation. You are also the direct manager of the Deputy Field Coordinator for Programs Ensure internal and external coordination with relevant stakeholders to facilitate the response Participate in the definition of the overall field-level security plans/measures and ensure proper security management, in collaboration with the security team Support ACFs commitments to Gender equality, Child protection sensitivity and other cross-sectoral prioritiesPromote ACFs Gender minimum standards and Child protection policies, ensure Protection mainstreaming, inclusion of Gender and Child protection as well as account the different needs, concerns and ideas of our staff and beneficiaries in MEAL-related activities Reinforce integration of cross-sectoral priorities in MEAL, including gender, protection, safeguarding, disaster risk reduction, diversity, equality and inclusion and Do No Harm Sensitize partners to include cross cutting issues such as gender, disability and protection (child) into their programming and reporting Profile : You hold a Master's Degree, ideally in Humanitarian Program Coordination, International Development, International Relations. You have at least 3 years of field experience in operational management of humanitarian programs in a similar role and in emergency contexts. You have experience in security and safety management in volatile environments and excellent interpersonal, communication and listening skills. You are passionate about management, and have the ability to support and empower your team. You have excellent adaptable skills and cultural awareness and are able to work with various nationalities. You are fluent in English. Ukrainian and / or Russian is a strong asset. Conditions d'emploi Fixed term contract under French legislation: 12 months Monthly gross salary from 2597 to 2968euros upon experience Reimbursement of the pension insurance for non-French citizens: 16% of the gross monthly salary Monthly per diem and living allowance: 838euros net, field paid Monthly country allowance: 450euros Cold allowance: Reimbursement for the purchase of winter equipment for a maximum of 380euros per person per year in severe cold contexts Child allowance: 1500euros per year per child present in the country of origin (maximum 6000euros/year) Transportation and accommodation: Coverage of transportation costs and guest house Medical coverage: ACF covers 100% of the social security, health insurance, and repatriation insurance agreement fees. Salary sustainment measures (sickness, paternity, maternity) Leaves and RnR: 25 days of paid leaves per year, 20 RnR per year, airfare reimbursement with a ceiling to get to the chosen break destination, and 215 euros for each RnR period Accompaniment and trainings:Follow-up and support for career development Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge © ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination. How to applyPour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here
ICTJ South Sudan Program - Assistant
Country: South Sudan Organization: International Center for Transitional Justice Closing date: 15 May 2024 ABOUT ICTJ ICTJ is an international non-profit organization specializing in the field of transitional justice. ICTJ works across society and borders to challenge the causes and address the consequences of massive human rights violations. We affirm victims’ dignity, fight impunity, and promote responsive institutions. JOB DESCRIPTION ICTJ is seeking qualified applicants for the position of South Sudan Program Assistant. The Program Assistant reports directly to ICTJ’s Head of the South Sudan Program. This position is based in Juba, South Sudan. Preference will be given to South Sudanese nationals. This is a 12-months contract with the possibility of extension based on performance and the availability of funds. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Under the direct supervision of ICTJ’s Head of the South Sudan Program the Program Assistant will: Coordinate event planning and logistics including meetings, workshops, and public events with partners. Conduct surveys and other data collection activities to assess effectiveness and help advance program learning. Contribute to analysis of data and assist in the production of external documents and reports. Keep systematic records for reporting requirements. Help coordinate ICTJ’s outreach and media initiatives including supporting our online and social media presence, women and youth projects, and other outreach initiatives. Perform research and writing tasks, including reports and analysis on the South Sudan transitional justice process, political developments, as well as women and youth issues. Assist with daily running of the program including attending and scheduling meetings, and media reviews. Work in close collaboration with local authorities, local NGOs, women and youth groups, and other stakeholders at the national and community level. Other duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Education: A university degree or certificate of higher education in administration, social sciences, human rights, law, journalism, or related fields. (Relevant work experience may be considered as a replacement for a university degree). Experience: At least 2 years of professional experience in project coordination with an NGO, community organization, government agency, or similar. Experience in conducting surveys and Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) activities will be an asset. RELATED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of and experience working in transitional justice and/or human rights is a strong asset. Demonstrated experience in planning and coordinating events, communication, and outreach activities. Ability to facilitate group discussions and workshops in a way that supports the active participation of all members. Be able to pay attention to detail. Excellent English language skills and knowledge of at least one local language (Arabic, Luo, Dinka, etc.) Ability to manage multiple tasks, be systematic and organized. Have the ability to work in a fast-developing environment with flexibility, adaptability and understanding. Be fully proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Excellent interpersonal skills. Must be able to work collaboratively and productively with people of diverse backgrounds. ICTJ is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer strongly committed to hiring and retaining diverse and internationally representative staff. Qualified women and members of other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. How to applyComplete and submit your application for the position here by 15 May 2024.
Project Associate - ICTJ Gambia program
Country: Gambia Organization: International Center for Transitional Justice Closing date: 15 May 2024 The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) is an international non-profit organization specializing in the field of transitional justice. ICTJ works across society and borders to challenge the causes and address the consequences of massive human rights violations. We affirm victims’ dignity, fight impunity, and promote responsive institutions. Introduction ICTJ is looking for a Project Associate to join its program in The Gambia to support the implementation of the program. Duration: This is a one-year contract that may be extended depending on performance and the availability of funding. Specific Roles and Responsibilities include: Under the supervision of the Head of Office: Plan, implement, and monitor project activities as designed in the ICTJ Gambia annual workplan and projects. Report regularly to the Head of Office on the implementation of the project. Assist with the design and drafting of funding proposals, annual workplans and other strategic documents. Identify key stakeholders (community groups, civil society organizations, state and regional bodies) relevant to advancing ICTJ program in the Gambia. Plan, organize, and coordinate workshops, trainings, research studies, assessments, and related activities. Contribute to drafting concept notes, reports, budgets, and work plans. Draft Speeches and reports. Ensure effective communication within the project team and partners. Assist the Head of Office in the coordination of the implementation of the ICTJ’s projects and initiatives in the Gambia. Perform other relevant duties assigned by Head of Office in The Gambia. Qualifications: Education: An advanced degree in political or social sciences, law, Development or economics from an accredited university. Experience: Acquired at least 7 years of relevant work experience in human rights, transitional justice, and project management. Requirements Suitable candidates must meet the following requirements. Knowledge of the transitional justice landscape in the Gambia. Experience working or cooperating with government structures, civil society organizations, media groups. Experience in program management of multi-stakeholder programs. Ability to build and sustain effective partnerships with government entities and partners. Proven working knowledge of monitoring, evaluation, learning tools, and the logical framework approach. Experience in facilitating conferences, training, and consultations with various stakeholders on a national level. Fluency in English; knowledge of at least 2 local languages is an asset. Excellent communication skills and diplomatic conduct. Willingness to learn and adapt tasks and responsibilities to a changing environment. Ability to work in a multicultural environment and a complex program structure. Willingness to travel as required. Tenure of Appointment The appointment will be for one (1) year, of which the first three (3) months will be considered as a probationary period. Thereafter, the contract may be renewed subject to funding availability, satisfactory performance, and agreed deliverables. ICTJ is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer strongly committed to hiring and retaining diverse and internationally representative staff. Qualified women and members of other underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. How to applyPlease complete the application form for the position here. The deadline to apply is May 15th, 2024. Online or in person interviews will take place in May 2024. The foreseen start date is June 3rd, 2024. Only qualified candidates will be contacted.
Data Analyst
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 5 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Data Analyst to join our team in London, UK, Abuja, Nigeria or Kampala, Uganda. The Data Analyst is responsible for analysing and interpreting data in support of the SMC programme’s efforts to generate robust high-quality evidence of performance and impact, and to use this evidence to inform improvements. The role contributes to shaping the SMC programme’s M&E; and research agenda, as well as implementing relevant frameworks and strategies. It works closely with M&E; and research colleagues at country and programme level to ensure high quality of programme outputs and build capacity across the SMC team. The main purpose of the role is to analyse and interpret quantitative monitoring and evaluation (M&E;) and research data generated across Malaria Consortium’s SMC programme. The successful candidate will have: Postgraduate degree in public health with a focus on epidemiology/bio-statistics or any other appropriate subject with a significant quantitative component transferrable to the role (e.g. demography, economics, etc.) Experience working in data management and/or epidemiology within government, a public sector agency, a not-for-profit organisation or research institution Experience in epidemiological research design, implementation and data analysis Knowledge of principles of survey design, and statistical techniques including multivariate regression Experience in the development of databases, digital data entry systems (PDA or phone-based, such as ODK, SurveyCTO, Magpi, etc.) and/or CAPI surveys, and data management and statistical analysis software (Access, EpiData, Stata) Experience of publishing in peer-reviewed journals and presenting findings to academic audiences To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the country that you are applying for. The salary for this role is competitive and subject to location, further information will be shared in the next stage of recruitment. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website: https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3430784?cid=2061&t;=Data-Analyst
Fundraising Officer
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 12 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Fundraising Officer to join our team in London, UK. The Fundraising Officer sits within the organisation’s UK based External Relations (ER) Team and will play a key role in helping to build new, and nurture existing relationships with donors, alongside helping to build the infrastructure required to drive Malaria Consortium’s fundraising forward. The post holder will help to develop and maintain the fundraising CRM database and act as its gatekeeper, ensuring the integrity of the data is maintained and relevant colleagues are supported to use it appropriately. They will also need to develop a thorough understanding of Malaria Consortium’s work and strategic priorities to help strengthen our fundraising and philanthropic partnerships and ensure that the impact of activities for which funds are sought are measurable and communicated across multiple platforms for a variety of audiences. The successful candidate will have: Substantial experience of working in a similar fundraising role with focus on individual giving, data collection, analysis, and use of a wide range of online fundraising platforms Experience of using a fundraising database (CRM) Experience of building and maintaining strong relationships with donors, donor advised funds agencies and effective altruism organisations Proven experience of working on successful fundraising appeals and, producing high quality fundraising communications and their effective dissemination Experience of having supported the achievement of fundraising targets in previous roles Demonstrable ability to synthesise complex technical information and convey messages to diverse audiences Strong analytic, strategic thinking and planning skills Proven experience in taking initiative and managing assignments from concept to completion Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact effectively and thoughtfully with all levels of associates, including senior management, stakeholders, and donors Good experience of using digital technology for external engagement Good understanding of using social media as a fundraising tool Salary - £32,206 gross per annum Due to the nature of this role we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and the role might be filled and closed before the closing date. Early applications are encouraged. To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the UK. We are currently hybrid working and ask staff to work in the office once a week. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website:https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3453541?cid=2061&t;=Fundraising-Officer
Programme Design and Development Specialist
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 6 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Programme Design and Development Specialist to join our team in London, UK**.** The Programme Design and Development Specialist will work closely with technical and programme teams at headquarters, regional and country level to develop competitive public health proposals to a range of institutional and non-institutional donors. This role will also lead on system development and capacity building to design and implement an organisational project design system; and conduct training and capacity building with country and regional staff. The successful candidate will have: Demonstrated experience working in international development, global health or business development. Experience in leading the design and writing of successful competitive proposals and tenders for public health programming for commercial bids and for grants Experience in managing international health programmes in developing countries Extensive experience in development of bid applications for institutional donors including BMGF, GAVI, USAID, UNICEF, FCDO and Global Fund for health programmes Experience of developing proposals for trusts and foundations Proven experience in managing complex projects with multiple stakeholders under rigorous deadlines; Proven relationship building skills and ability to work collaboratively and effectively in cross-cultural settings and with a wide variety of organisations; Strong project management skills/experience Strong problem solving abilities and ability to perform under pressure; Ability to take initiative and achieve results with minimal supervision; Solid analytical skills and ability to present complex concepts in clear and concise formats; Strong attention to detail and follow-up; Experience in delivering training and capacity building for colleagues A Masters in Public Health, Epidemiology, Development Studies or similar fields, or equivalent practical experience demonstrating a strong focus on global health technical writing Right to work in the UK Due to the nature of this role we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and the role might be filled and closed before the closing date. Early applications are encouraged. To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the UK. We are currently hybrid working and ask staff to come into the office once a week. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website: https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3464291?cid=2061&t;=Programme-Design-and-Development-Specialist
Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 13 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to join our team in London, UK. As a member of Malaria Consortium’s Senior Technical Team and Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation (SM&E;) team, the Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist will provide technical oversight of Malaria Consortium’s project monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEAL) processes, assuring the standards and quality of Malaria Consortium’s M&E; activities across all programme areas. As part of the wider SM&E; team, the role will feed into the organisation’s internal M&E; and data use strengthening, provide strategic direction of M&E; for the organisation and will represent the organisation in relevant global fora. The successful candidate will have: Postgraduate degree in public health, epidemiology, bio-statistics, demography or a pertinent field Extensive experience working in M&E; in LMICs preferably including Africa and/or Asia Experience meeting M&E; requirements of key donors to international health (e.g. DFID, USAID, CDC, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNITAID, UNICEF) Significant experience in the development and implementation of project M&E; systems Strong background in in survey design and implementation (households and facility surveys) Familiarity with public sector Health Management Information Systems in developing countries, in particular DHIS2 Methodological and implementation experience in impact evaluation and process evaluation, including use of mixed methods approaches Experience in the development and use of databases and statistical analysis software (EpiData, Excel, Access, Stata, R), as well as in use of qualitative software (NVivo, Atlas.ti) Experience on data visualisation platforms (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI) Due to the nature of this role we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis and the role might be filled and closed before the closing date. Early applications are encouraged. To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the UK. We are currently hybrid working and ask staff to come into the office once a week. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website: https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3467441?cid=2061&t;=Senior-Monitoring-and-Evaluation-Specialist
Surveillance, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 19 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Surveillance, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist to join our team in London, UK. The SM&E; Specialist will support country and multi-country programmes and projects to plan and implement process and impact evaluations, and M&E; frameworks as well as support data analyses and interpretation of routine HMIS and surveillance data. The successful candidate will have: Postgraduate degree in public health with focus on epidemiology/bio-statistics or demography Significant knowledge in communicable disease control and particularly malaria Experience working in data management and epidemiology within government, a public sector agency, a not-for-profit organisation or research institution Experience in epidemiological research design, implementation and data analysis Experience in the development of databases and data analysis, digital data entry systems (PDA or phone-based, such as SurveyCTO, Magpi, etc.), statistical analysis software (R, EpiData, Access, Stata) and visualisation software (PowerBI) Experience in designing and implementing mixed methods or qualitative evaluations Experience of publishing in peer-reviewed journals and presenting findings to academic audiences To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the UK. We are currently hybrid working and ask to staff to work in the office four times a month. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website and view the job description: https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3468116?cid=2061&t;=Surveillance--Monitoring-And-Evaluation-Specialist
Head of Business Development
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Malaria Consortium Closing date: 13 May 2024 Malaria Consortium is recruiting for a Head of Business Development to join our team in London, UK. The position holder will lead the organisation’s business development activities, ensuring a strong alignment between business development, revenue generation, strategy implementation, and mission achievement. Collaborating closely with the Development Director, they play a pivotal role in strategizing for the long-term growth of the organization and ensuring revenue targets are met. They will regularly undertake donor landscape mapping to identify funding opportunities and trends, lead on the implementation and regular revision of the Business Development Strategy, facilitate intelligence gathering, donor scoping, track and identify donor opportunities. They will identify, create and maintains strategic and productive relationships with donors and partners. They will lead the development of high-quality proposals for major institutional donors, bilateral agencies and private foundations for large, competitive funding opportunities. The position requires a strong sense of teamwork, networking skills, innovative thinking and creativity to actively create and pursue opportunities and support strategic and sustainable growth. The successful candidate will have: Strong experience developing business development strategy Solid donor engagement and proven success is securing funding through proactive BD A strong business acumen and comfortably able to work and negotiate with partners at senior management level. Experience in international development particularly working in the global health sector. Significant experience in developing and managing project concepts and funding proposals for humanitarian / development work from institutional donors – including FCDO, USAID, Global Fund, UNITAID, GAVI, BMGF etc. Significant experience developing proposals for foundations and philanthropists Experience of commercial contracting, PBR contracting and institutional donor contracting mechanisms. Proven experience developing and cultivating strategic partnerships Proven ability to negotiate effectively with donors and partners. Experience of managing, motivating and leading people. Ability to build strong working relationships and foster open communications. Proven organisational skills: the ability to work productively and accurately under pressure in a fast-paced, demanding environment Degree in relevant subject (health, economics, development studies, statistics) with extensive experience in business development. Ability to facilitate project design processes, including applying theories of change and project logic to design, and develop plans accordingly. To apply for this position you will need to have the right to work in the UK. We are currently hybrid working and ask that staff visit the London office, at least four times a month. How to applyTo apply, please visit our website: https://malariaconsortium.current-vacancies.com/Jobs/Advert/3469076?cid=2061&t;=Head-of-Business-Development
Loan Processor
Country: United States of America Organization: International Rescue Committee Closing date: 26 Jun 2024 Job Overview: CEO is a subsidiary of the International Rescue Committee and a non-profit financial institution that offers accessible, small-dollar consumer and microenterprise loans primarily to refugees, immigrants and other traditionally financially-excluded communities. CEO makes its loans through partnerships with trusted community-based organizations that offer financial education and other asset-building services. The Loan Processor is a new position with primary responsibility for reviewing required documents and verifying the accuracy and completeness of all loan applications. This will require independent financial analysis to prepare applications for underwriting and may also include direct contact with applicants and/or their referring financial counselors. CEO is rapidly expanding nationally and offers opportunity for career growth. 10% - 15% of each week may be spent gaining experience across any of CEO’s core operational areas – including customer service, project design, curriculum/resource development, grant and donor support, communications, partnerships or monitoring and evaluation. This position is remote and can be located anywhere in the U.S. Major Responsibilities: Review online loan applications for completeness and data quality accuracy Review applicants’ credit, income, banking and budget to prepare applications for underwriting Ensure customer demographics and application reports are accurate and in compliance with all donor restrictions Provide application support to applicants directly and/or through referring counselors Assist Loan Officer with requests and tasks needed to complete and process applications Evaluate application process and implement improvements to the process workflow in close collaboration with Operations team Work in close collaboration with management, programs, and finance teams to ensure timely submission of high-quality financial reports to CEO or donors per scheduled due dates and/or contractual obligations Provide administrative support and backfill gaps as needed across departments Support key initiatives, pilot projects, trainings, research and other capacity-building efforts Other related duties as assigned Job Requirements: 2+ years professional work experience; in banking/financial services industry preferred Fluency in Spanish strongly preferred; fluency in Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Pashto, Urdu, Ukrainian, or Swahili also of interest High degree of professional integrity; ability and commitment to maintain confidentiality of sensitive data Solid organizational skills: detail-oriented, ability to multi-task, set priorities, and meet deadlines Ability to work independently, be flexible and work well under pressure in a fast-paced team environment Excellent analytical and mathematical skills Good interpersonal skills: ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment Solid Computer skills: MS Word, Excel, other financial related software strongly preferred Working Environment***:*** This is a remote position that can accommodate candidates in any U.S. State. The majority of the workday is at a computer terminal. While remote, the position may require travel to conferences or in-person team meetings, estimated to be less than 5% time. Compensation: Posted pay ranges apply to US-based candidates. Ranges are based on various factors including the labor market, job type, internal equity, and budget. Exact offers are calibrated by work location, individual candidate experience and skills relative to the defined job requirements. Gender Equality: IRC is committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances. Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. US Benefits: The IRC offers a comprehensive and highly competitive set of benefits. All US employees are eligible for sick time, a 403b retirement savings plans: up to 4.5% immediately vested matching contribution, plus an 3-7% additional IRC contribution, and an Employee Assistance Program which is available to our staff and their families to support in times of crisis and mental health struggles. In addition, full-time employees are eligible for 10 US paid holidays, 20-25 paid time off days, disability & life insurance, medical, dental, and vision insurance (employee contribution starting at $135, $7, and $5 per month respectively) and FSA for healthcare, childcare, and commuter costs. Part-time employees are eligible for a proportionate amount of paid time off. These additional benefits apply to employees who work at least 6 months within a 12 month time period. How to applyPlease apply on our website: https://rescue.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/51589?c=rescue
Operations Supervisor
Country: United States of America Organization: International Rescue Committee Closing date: 26 Jun 2024 Job Overview: The Operations Supervisor (OS) is responsible for the direct oversight and coordination of all operational functions in the San Diego offices, resulting in a well-functioning, compliant operational environment. The OS serves as the primary liaison for HQ Regional Functional Leads including Supply Chain Advisor (SCA), Regional Safety & Security Director (RSSD), Regional IT Director (RITD) and Global Facilities Director (GFD). The OS is the primary point of contact for various functional areas, manages reception, provides general administration support, and oversees the fleet of IRC-owned vehicles. This position reports to the Executive Director and provides direct supervision to IRC San Diego’s Inventory Specialist and other Operations staff, as assigned. Major Responsibilities: Safety & Security—S&S;: Work closely with the Executive Director to oversee S&S; matters. Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of all office S&S; documentation. In collaboration with the Executive Director, organize all-staff S&S; meetings at office or program site. Ensure that a minimum of one emergency evacuation is exercised at office or program site level per year and other appropriate trainings informed by Security Risk Assessment findings. Cascade HQ and/or office security warnings and advisories to staff, interns, and volunteers as needed. Report all S&S; incidents involving covered persons in accordance with established protocols. Coordinate immediate incident management including filing police reports. Build and maintain strong relationships with other S&S; actors or stakeholders, including but not limited to community organizations and partners, authorities, security and rescue services, and property owners. Assist in the development of office-specific S&S; onboarding materials, ensuring the provision of S&S; briefings to new staff and covered persons. Supply Chain—SC: Serve as the primary focal point for procurement, asset and inventory management, vehicle fleet management and transportation, and warehousing in accordance with established organizational and donor requirements. Assist Finance and Development with asset and in-kind inventory tracking; In conjunction with the Finance Team, lead the bidding process, including request for quotation process, request for proposal process, tender evaluation, and facilitating procurement committee functioning. Vendor and supplier management including identification, procurement, and maintenance of the relationship. Maintain up-to-date supplier and service provider records. Maintain asset register and inventory lists of purchased and donated items. Establish and manage inventory control for office supplies, stationery, and other consumables. In collaboration with the Finance Manager, ensure inventories reconcile with financial reports. Maintain an asset and inventory list in coordination with Finance and Grants staff. Ensure policy compliance for the fleet of IRC-owned vehicles and oversee their maintenance and usage. Work with HQ Supply Chain to maintain IRC policy at all the times. Facilities Management: Manage the office and equipment leases, coordinate repairs and improvements with property managers, and lead the procurement of office equipment. Coordinate the allocation of workspaces and support related employee lifecycle needs such as building access. Support smooth functioning of office infrastructure including communications equipment and services. Responsible for coordinating the El Cajon garden with the onsite manager for maintenance and repairs, such as leaky pipes, and collect fee payments for the garden; Assist with planning and coordinating office space utilization. Responsible for coordinating on- and off-site storage needs. Develop and maintain cordial working relationships with landlord and property managers of both locations. Information Technology—IT: Oversee IT and communications infrastructure, hardware and software matters. Manage and track computer inventory. Educate staff about IT support resources, including appropriate channels for incident reporting. Work with regional and HQ IT team to address any internet or telecommunications service disruptions, liaising with local internet and telecommunications service providers. Escalate any unresolved incidents or larger-scale IT projects (such as office moves or expansion) as needed. Ensure compliance with IT protocols, policies, and procedures including information security policy, IT procurement and asset management policy, acceptable use of IT resources policy, and new software procurement protocols. Other Duties Provide mentorship and supervision to Operations staff, including leading team meetings, individual supervision and coaching, and conducting goal setting, and performance reviews. Serves as back-up to Front Desk Reception, as the need arises, for covering time off. Onboard new staff. Other duties as assigned. Job Requirements: Demonstrated ability to work with deadlines and lead multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. Ability to work independently. Good interpersonal communication skills and ability to effectively work in a multi-cultural work environment. Undergraduate degree in business, non-profit management, public administration, or others related field preferred. At least two years of related professional experience; preferably with refugee services and in a non-profit or social service environment. General computer/technology skills. Experience supervising staff preferred. Knowledge of state and federal donor compliance regulations is a strong plus. Vehicle with current driver's license, registration, and insurance. Fluency in English, written and spoken. Working Environment: A combination of standard office environment, remote work, and ‘field’ time within the service delivery area to perform the above outlined responsibilities. Expectation to be in the office every day during the work week (M-F) May require occasional weekend and/or evening work. Posted pay ranges apply to US-based candidates. Ranges are based on various factors including the labor market, job type, internal equity, and budget. Exact offers are calibrated by work location, individual candidate experience and skills relative to the defined job requirements. Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. US Benefits: The IRC offers a comprehensive and highly competitive set of benefits. All US employees are eligible for sick time, a 403b retirement savings plans: up to 4.5% immediately vested matching contribution, plus an 3-7% additional IRC contribution, and an Employee Assistance Program which is available to our staff and their families to support in times of crisis and mental health struggles. In addition, full-time employees are eligible for 10 US paid holidays, 20-25 paid time off days, disability & life insurance, medical, dental, and vision insurance (employee contribution starting at $135, $7, and $5 per month respectively) and FSA for healthcare, childcare, and commuter costs. Part-time employees are eligible for a proportionate amount of paid time off. These additional benefits apply to employees who work at least 6 months within a 12-month time period. How to applyhttps://careers.rescue.org/us/en/job/req51584/Operations-Supervisor
ROLI Outreach - ABA UNPAID Intern
Country: United States of America Organization: American Bar Association Closing date: 31 May 2024 The American Bar Association is looking for an Intern to join our team. Our company is working on exciting new developments and will offer educational experience. The educational internship, while being unpaid, provides invaluable education. The internship is similar to training that would be given in an educational environment. You’ll gain valuable resume experience and the necessary knowledge and skills to perform professionally. The intern will observe, gain exposure to various resources, and participate in ongoing training. Our intern will be part of our outreach and communications for the Center for Global Programs team. The intern will be responsible for assisting with the buildout of a contact database, helping generate content, and supporting ABA CGP events. Ultimately, the intern will receive an enriching educational experience to help understand international development and NGO communications. Eligibility: Candidates must be 18 years old or older and: currently enrolled in (or in a deferred enrollment/gap year status recognized by) a post-secondary academic institution (i.e. undergraduate, graduate) and in a program/area of study directly related to the purpose of the internship program; or a recent (i.e. up to one (1) year) graduate of a post-secondary academic institution (i.e. undergraduate, graduate) with a degree in a program/area of study directly related to the purpose of the internship program. Relevant Program/Area of Study: Political science, communications, international relations Additional Desired Qualifications: Adobe Suite Proposed Start/End Dates of Internship Start: June 1, 2024 End: August 30 2024 Duration of Internship Eight (8) weeks Hours per week (20 hours max. during academic calendar; 37.5 during summer): 20-37.5 How to applyhttps://us232.dayforcehcm.com/CandidatePortal/en-US/aba/Posting/View/6015
Gestionnaire du Catalogue National des Produits Pharmaceutiques | Lomé, Togo | 2024
Country: Togo Organization: Chemonics Closing date: 8 May 2024 Le projet Global Health Supply Chain- Technical Assistance, Francophone Task Order en sigle GHSC-TA Francophone TO (projet d’assistance technique aux chaines d’approvisionnement de santé publique dans les pays francophones), financé par l’USAID, a comme mission principale de répondre aux besoins d’assistance technique des gouvernements pour le renforcement des systèmes de chaine d’approvisionnement de santé publique afin d’assurer la disponibilité continue des produits de santé des programmes prioritaires tels que le paludisme, le VIH/sida, la tuberculose, la santé maternelle et infantile, la santé de la reproduction et la planification familiale. GHSC-TA Francophone TO représente un mécanisme par lequel l’USAID offre une assistance technique régionale pour les produits de la santé à l’appui des trois objectifs suivants : Objectif 1 Renforcement des systèmes d’approvisionnement du pays Objectif 2 Améliorer la sécurité des produits par la collaboration et les organisations régionales Objectif 3 Soutenir le programme Mondial de sécurité sanitaire (Global Heath Security Agenda [GHSA]) Description du Poste Le gestionnaire du catalogue national des produits pharmaceutique est responsable, au sein de la Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML) pour la mise en œuvre de la stratégie du développement d´un catalogue national de produits (CNP) pour le secteur pharmaceutique public et privé au Togo. La création du CNP est une des premières étapes qui vise à instaurer les standards GS1 pour renforcer la traçabilité des produits pharmaceutiques et l´identification des produits de contrefaçon. Le gestionnaire de catalogue est le principal point focal pour toutes les données de base des produits de santé. Il est également chargé de la stratégie de transition des données de base des produits de santé du système et des processus existants vers le catalogue national des produits. Les responsabilités de ce rôle sont détaillées ci-dessous. Responsabilités Définir et maintenir des procédures opérationnelles standards (POS) pour renforcer la gouvernance des bases de données de référence pour l’ensemble des produits de santé Définir et maintenir des POS, y compris des mécanismes convenus et approuvés pour ajouter, mettre à jour ou supprimer les produits, leurs codes et autres informations pertinentes (ex. AMM, fournisseurs/fabricants, GTIN, code ATC, etc.) Définir les rôles et les responsabilités des différents acteurs pour maintenir les bases de données de référence opportunes Définir les attributions des différents utilisateurs du système pour assurer la sécurité du système de gestion du CNP Assister le développement d´une stratégie pour la création du code produit unique et du CNP Renseigner, maintenir et assurer la gestion continue de la base de données du CNP pour tous les produits pharmaceutiques désignés en collaboration avec le personnel de la DPML. Télécharger ou saisir les données de référence des produits et les correspondances avec les identificateurs de pays dans la CNP Valider l’exhaustivité et l’exactitude des données introduites Assurer la fonctionnalité continue du CNP en termes de catégorisation des produits, de liens avec les identifiants des pays, de regroupement des attributs et de sécurité des données Assurer la liaison avec toutes les parties prenantes, secteur privé inclus, pour identifier l’ajout des nouveaux produits, les mises à jour de produits, les retraits progressifs, les rappels et les expirations d’enregistrement, et prendre les mesures appropriées pour que les données restent à jour et exactes Faciliter la gestion continue des données de référence des produits dans le CNP Effectuer régulièrement des évaluations de la qualité des données du système CNP Ajouter, supprimer, modifier les données de référence lorsque des changements sont nécessaires Assurer la liaison avec les sources de données sur les produits et les consommateurs de données en vue de soutenir les POS en matière de gouvernance des données. Soutenir l’échange de données à tous les niveaux nationaux de la chaîne d’approvisionnement Collaborer avec les équipes, les unités et les groupes de parties prenantes externes Surveiller le flux de données entre CNP et d’autres systèmes Résoudre les problèmes d’échange de données et d’intégration, le cas échéant Rapporter tout problème technique a l´administrateur du système CNP Tout autres tâches Expériences et Qualifications Requises Doctorat en pharmacie, science des données, informatique, ou équivalent Expérience avec la gestion et l´analyse des données des produits de santé Expérience avec l´utilisation de solutions informatiques pour la gestion des produits pharmaceutiques Connaissance approfondie des outils Office 365 Expérience de travail dans le secteur pharmaceutique togolais togolais Bonne Connaissance / compréhension des normes GS1 Bonne communication orale et écrite Maitrise du Français Nationalité Togolais ou être autorisé à travailler au Togo Expériences et Qualifications Désirables Diplôme en science des systèmes de gestion des informations/données ou équivalent est un atout supplémentaire Connaissance de l´Anglais How to applyInstructions pour postuler : Veuillez envoyer votre candidature en français avec en objet- Document cadre de la gestion et approvisionnement des intrants des laboratoires de biologie médicale – à ce lien : Togo GHSC-TA FTO – Consultant – Formstack – Formstack avant 17h GMT le mercredi 8 mai 2024. Les soumissionnaires recevront un accusé de réception pour les envois par voie électronique. Aucune demande téléphonique sera acceptée. Chemonics contactera les finalistes. Les candidatures seront évaluées en fonction de la qualité de la proposition, de la capacité à répondre aux exigences ci-dessus. Chemonics International se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de rejeter toute proposition reçue sans donner de raisons et n’est pas tenue d’accepter le plus bas ou le plus offrant. Cette offre est ouverte pour deux semaines à compter de la date de sa publication. Les offres seront évaluées au fur et à mesure de leur réception. Chemonics est un employeur garantissant l’égalité des chances et ne fait aucune discrimination dans sa sélection et ses pratiques d’emploi sur la base de la race, de la couleur, de la religion, du sexe, de l’origine nationale, de l’appartenance politique, de l’orientation sexuelle, de l’identité de genre, de l’état matrimonial, du handicap, des informations génétiques, de l’âge, l’appartenance à une organisation d’employés ou d’autres facteurs non liés au mérite. Chemonics valorise la protection de vos données personnelles.
Cash and Medical Assistance Supervisor
Country: United States of America Organization: International Rescue Committee Closing date: 24 Jun 2024 Job Overview: The CMA Supervisor is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the provision of Cash and Medical Assistance services for refugees, asylees, and SIV clients to attain self-sufficiency. The CMA Supervisor ensures program goals are met and manages quality control for both service provision and contractual compliance. The CMA Supervisor supervises a team and reports to the Economic Empowerment Manager. Major Responsibilities: Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Staff Management: Provide leadership, development support and supervision to direct service staff by leading team meetings; providing individual supervision, coaching and goal-setting; managing workload and prioritizing tasks; and helping staff troubleshoot challenges. Ensure compliance of self and employment team with all policies, procedures, and protocols of the agency. Client Services: Actively participate and oversee the implementation and management of the CMA programs to ensure all program requirements and IRC standards of care are met. Track enrolled clients utilizing the ETO, Integra and ClientTrack systems to ensure all CMA services are provided in a timely manner and properly documented. Maintain close communication with CMA staff regarding challenging cases and carry out timely, professional interventions to ensure appropriate service delivery. Identify opportunities to advance gender equality with a focus on increasing employability access for women participants. Develop and cultivate long term relationships with area employers in order to identify appropriate employment opportunities for clients. Use personal vehicle as a mode of transport for both self and clients to various job responsibilities in and around the service delivery area. Compliance Documentation: Ensure all programs fulfill funder and agency requirements for documentation, case files, data tracking and other areas of administrative compliance. Coordinate quality assurance efforts by conducting periodic case file and electronic data reviews in partnership with the supervisor and CMA staff. Monitor progress towards programmatic performance requirements and encourage the employment team towards these goals. This includes program implementation, oversight, monitoring and evaluation for all grants in the portfolio. Produce high-quality program reports in a timely manner. This includes completing or overseeing staff completion various reports to IRC headquarters and funders. Assist in grant writing activities, as the opportunities arise. Team/Office Participation: Participate in all program meetings, staff development activities, and other duties as assigned. Work as part of a team to provide comprehensive strength-based services to IRC clients through coordination of cases and effective communication between team members and departments. Comply with all policies, procedures and protocols of the agency. Requirements: Undergraduate degree required; preferably in Social Work, Human Services or a related field of study. Minimum two to three years of experience securing employment opportunities for clients, either in domestic refugee resettlement, other workforce development fields, or closely related social service delivery. Experience supervising, supporting, and training staff strongly preferred Experience in a not-for profit or human service agency environment preferred. Highly organized self-starter with demonstrated success in managing multiple priorities and delivering quantifiable results under pressure, with tight deadlines, and in a fast-paced environment. Excellent program and staff management skills: experience developing, leading, implementing and monitoring projects or programs in nonprofit or community-based organizations. Strong ability to coach staff and take initiative. Proven negotiation, interpersonal, and oral and written communication skills, especially in a multi-cultural environment. Must be mission and outcome driven, self-confidence, and commitment to client success. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook) and strong keyboarding skills. ETO database familiarity strongly preferred. Excellent communication skills, with fluency in written and spoken English. Valid driver’s license, access to personal vehicle with current insurance, and the ability to travel regularly throughout the service delivery area Working Environment: A combination of standard office environment, remote work, and ‘field’ time within the service delivery area to perform the above outlined responsibilities. May require occasional weekend and/or evening work. Posted pay ranges apply to US-based candidates. Ranges are based on various factors including the labor market, job type, internal equity, and budget. Exact offers are calibrated by work location, individual candidate experience and skills relative to the defined job requirements. Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. US Benefits: The IRC offers a comprehensive and highly competitive set of benefits. All US employees are eligible for sick time, a 403b retirement savings plans: up to 4.5% immediately vested matching contribution, plus an 3-7% additional IRC contribution, and an Employee Assistance Program which is available to our staff and their families to support in times of crisis and mental health struggles. In addition, full-time employees are eligible for 10 US paid holidays, 20-25 paid time off days, disability & life insurance, medical, dental, and vision insurance (employee contribution starting at $135, $7, and $5 per month respectively) and FSA for healthcare, childcare, and commuter costs. Part-time employees are eligible for a proportionate amount of paid time off. These additional benefits apply to employees who work at least 6 months within a 12-month time period. How to applyhttps://careers.rescue.org/us/en/job/req51543/Cash-and-Medical-Assistance-Supervisor
Caseworker, Spanish Speaking
Country: United States of America Organization: International Rescue Committee Closing date: 25 Jun 2024 Job Overview: The Caseworker provides trauma-informed services to refugees and other qualified immigrants to support a positive resettlement experience and the achievement of client self-sufficiency. The Caseworker works closely with clients, colleagues, and external parties to develop service and/or self-sufficiency plans to meet individual client needs and preferences utilizing a broad range of financial, medical, social, vocational, and other services and resources in accordance with client eligibility and program requirements. Major Responsibilities: Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Coordinate timely pre- and post-arrival services to ensure each client has living essentials such as housing, food, medical care, and access to transportation, and is oriented to their new environment. Conduct intake services with clients to assess needs. Develop self-sufficiency plans and timelines in partnership with each client. Provide individualized support through direct services, referrals, and advocacy. Assess and monitor client progress to support their attainment of established goals, address challenges, and to ensure that available resources are utilized. Detail each client interaction in accordance with program requirements. Input client information in database(s) and assist with tracking and reporting as needed. Collaborate effectively with coworkers and partner organizations. Build and maintain relationships with area service providers for the benefit of clients. Use personal, insured vehicle and/or public transportation (where available) to travel and transport clients and materials as needed throughout the service delivery area. May train and lead the activities of volunteers and interns. Other duties as assigned. Job Requirements: Education: Bachelor’s degree in social work or related field of study preferred. Work Experience: Relevant professional experience in human services field required; minimum of 2 years’ experience strongly preferred. Experience working with refugee and/or immigrant populations strongly preferred. Demonstrated Skills & Competencies: Strong relationship building, diplomacy, and networking skills; ability to effectively build internal and external relationships. Demonstrated success working and communicating effectively in a multi-cultural environment. Self-starter with excellent problem-solving skills combined with the proven ability to multi-task, prioritize duties, and manage time effectively. Attention to detail and accuracy in work product. Fluent in English, both spoken and written; proficiency in Spanish is required. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook); ability to use the internet and other digital tools for data entry, research and problem-solving purposes. Valid driver’s license and access to a personal, insured vehicle. Working Environment: A combination of standard office environment, remote work, and ‘field’ time within the service delivery area to perform the above outlined responsibilities. May require occasional weekend and/or evening work. Posted pay ranges apply to US-based candidates. Ranges are based on various factors including the labor market, job type, internal equity, and budget. Exact offers are calibrated by work location, individual candidate experience and skills relative to the defined job requirements. Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. US Benefits: The IRC offers a comprehensive and highly competitive set of benefits. All US employees are eligible for sick time, a 403b retirement savings plans: up to 4.5% immediately vested matching contribution, plus an 3-7% additional IRC contribution, and an Employee Assistance Program which is available to our staff and their families to support in times of crisis and mental health struggles. In addition, full-time employees are eligible for 10 US paid holidays, 20-25 paid time off days, disability & life insurance, medical, dental, and vision insurance (employee contribution starting at $135, $7, and $5 per month respectively) and FSA for healthcare, childcare, and commuter costs. Part-time employees are eligible for a proportionate amount of paid time off. These additional benefits apply to employees who work at least 6 months within a 12-month time period. How to applyhttps://careers.rescue.org/us/en/job/req51565/Caseworker-Spanish-Speaking
Business Development / Marketing Officer at Prisms Healthcare Limited
Prisms Healthcare Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development / Marketing Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N50,000 monthly. In this role, you will develop marketing plan for the business and ensure that the plans are implemented to time and budget.
Brand Account Lead at RedCloud Technology
RedCloud Technology is recruiting to fill the position of: Brand Account Lead. The position is located in Abia State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or a related field with 4-7 years experience.
Operations Expansion Principal Operator at Amaiden Energy Nigeria Limited
Amaiden Energy Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Operation Expansion Operator. The position is located in Bonny Island, Rivers State. Interested candidates should possess an OND / HND or University Degree in Chemical Engineering or another Engineering / Science discipline with at least 5 years experience.
Truck Driver at Daudeen Freight Forwarding Company Limited
Daudeen Freight Forwarding Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Truck Driver. The position is located in Alimosho, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an OND / NCE / SSCE / FSLC with 3 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Electrician at Yardoak Project
Yardoak Project is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrician. The position is located in Ajah, Lagos State. Salary: N70,000 - N100,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Electrical Maintenance Personnel at New Material Nigeria Company Limited (2 Openings)
New Material Nigeria Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrical Maintenance Personnel. The position is located in Kuje Area Council, Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess minimum of Trade Test in Electrical or its equivalent or WASC / SSCE with 2 - 5 years experience.
Sales Executive - South at Armorsil West Africa
Armorsil West Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Rivers State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees with 2 - 3 years relevant work experience.
Medical Sales Representative (Rivers) at Advantage Health Africa Limited
Advantage Health Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Medical Sales Representative. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Salary: N132,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Pharmacy or any Biological/Medical Sciences with 2+ years work experience.
Livelihoods Officer at Secours Islamique France (SIF)
Secours Islamique France (SIF) is recruiting to fill the position of: Livelihoods Officer. The position is located in Gusau LGA, Zamfara State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with at least 4 years experience.
Software Developers at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Software Developer. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field with 5 years work experience.
Medical Sales Representative (Lagos) at Advantage Health Africa Limited
Advantage Health Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Medical Sales Representative. The position is located in Mainland, Lagos State. Salary: N132,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field with 2 years work experience.
Pastry Chef at Quality Foods Africa
Quality Foods Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Pastry Chef. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Culinary Degree or certification.
Construction Fleet / Plant Manager at M-P Infrastructure Limited Group
M-P Infrastructure Limited Group is recruiting to fill the position of: Construction Fleet / Plant Manager. The position is located in Bonny, Rivers State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Eng Degree in Mechanical Engineering with at least 8 years work experience.
Laboratory Assistant at New Material Nigeria Company Limited
New Material Nigeria Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Laboratory Assistant. The position is located in Kuje Area Council, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N50,000 - N60,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess an OND / NCE in Laboratory Technology, Chemistry, Microbiology or equivalent with 1- 2 years of work experience.
Accountant at Metropolitan School of Business and Management (MSBM)
Metropolitan School of Business and Management (MSBM) is recruiting to fill the position of: Accountant. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or a related field with 5 years work experience.
Medical Detailing Representative at Advantage Health Africa Limited
Advantage Health Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Medical Detailing Representative. The position is located in Mainland, Lagos State. Salary: N132,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy.
Sales Representative at Agurate Online Limited
Agurate Online Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Representative. The position is located in Jakande, Lekki, Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N120,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree / HND / OND with 1 - 5 years work experience.
Business Administration Officer at Smart Partners Consulting Limited
Smart Partners Consulting Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Administration Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an NCE / OND in Business Administration or related field with at least 3 years of work experience.
Drill Locator - HDD Operations at ipNX Nigeria Limited
ipNX Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Drill Locator - HDD Operations. The position is located in Lagos State. In this role, you will play a crucial role in ensuring accurate borehole placement and alignment during underground utility installation and infrastructure projects.
Farm Worker and Farm Admin / Accountant at MIGHO Invest Limited
MIGHO Invest Limited is recruiting to fill the following positions: Farm Worker and Farm Admin / Accountant. The positions are located in Benin City, Edo State. Interested candidates should possess an OND / SSCE / GCE / NECO qualification with 0 - 2 years experience.
Waitress at the Native Spoon
The Native Spoon is recruiting to fill the position of Waitress. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Salary: N25,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / OND qualification.
Rotawn Energy and Logistics Services Limited Graduate & Exp. Job Recruitment (8 Positions)
Rotawn Energy and Logistics Services Limited is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following graduate & experienced positions:
Quantity Surveyor at Zurishaddai Recruitment Agency
Zurishaddai Recruitment Agency is recruiting to fill the position of: Quantity Surveyor. The position is located in Benin, Edo State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Quantity Surveying, Construction Management or a related field with at least 6 years of work experience.
Van Sales Representative (Niger) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Van Sales Representative. The position is located in Kontagora, Niger State. Interested candidates should possess an OND in Accounting / Economics / Business Management with 2 years experience.
Quality Control (QC) Manager at HRLeverage Africa Limited
HRLeverage Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Quality Control (QC) Manager. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or related fields with relevant work experience.
Finance Manager at OJ Wale Pillar Metals and Tech Limited
OJ Wale Pillar Metals and Tech Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance Manager. The position is located in Oshodi / Mafoluku, Lagos State. Salary: N280,000 - N300,000 monthly. Interested candidates B.Sc / HND in Accounting with 5 years work experience.
Graphics / IT Officer at Rotawn Energy and Logistics Services Limited
Rotawn Energy and Logistics Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Graphics / IT Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N150,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc. Computer Science OR related IT Discipline with at least 2 years work experience.
Storekeeper at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Storekeeper.The position is located in Kontagora, Niger State. Interested candidates should possess OND in Accounting with 2 years experience.
Sales Executive at Kartel
Kartel is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Wuye, Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Sales Executive at Dataflex Nigeria Limited
Dataflex Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Victoria Island, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess HND / Bachelor's Degrees with 3+ years relevant work experience.
Professional Photographer at Pearls Learning Hub
Pearls Learning Hub is recruiting to fill the position of: Professional Photographer. The position is located in Garki, Area 1, Abuja (FCT). In this role, you will engages with colleagues and clients to determine a project requirements.
Marketing Officer at Purplesmith Consulting
Purplesmith Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: Marketing Officer. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Siemens Nigeria Job Recruitment
Siemens Nigeria is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Office Assistant at Purplesmith Consulting
Purplesmith Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: Office Assistant. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess an SSCE qualification with at least 1 year work experience.
Marketing / Admission Executive at Keen British School
Keen British School is recruiting to fill the position of: Marketing / Admission Executive. The position is located in Okota, Lagos State. Salary: N50,000 - N60,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess HND / Bachelor's Degrees with 0 - 4 years relevant work experience.
Administrative Assistant at Keen British School
Keen British School is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Assistant. The position is located in Okota, Lagos State. Salary: N50,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Tax Professional at Siemens Nigeria
Siemens Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Tax Professional. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a relevant Degree with 3-5 years of work experience.
Account Officer (Osun) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Account Officer. The position is located in Ilesha, Osun State. Interested candidates should possess an OND in Accounting with 2 years experience.
Market Sales Representative (Niger) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Market Sales Representative. The position is located in Kontagora, Niger State. Interested candidates should possess an OND in Accounts, Economics, or Business Management with 2 years work experience.
Security Head at Keen British School
Keen British School is recruiting to fill the position of: Security Head. The position is located in Okota, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an OND, SSCE / GCE / NECO with 0 - 5 years work experience.
Office Driver at Heifer International
Heifer International is recruiting to fill the position of: Office Driver. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess an SSCE with 10 years experience.
Chemical Engineer at DMV Nigeria Limited
DMV Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Chemical Engineer. The position is located in Lekki, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field with 12 years work experience.
Golden Oil Industries Limited Job Recruitment (9 Positions)
Golden Oil Industries Limited is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Electrical and Mechanical Technician at CWAY Foods and Beverages Nigeria Limited
CWAY Foods and Beverages Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrical and Mechanical Technician. The position is located in Ota, Ogun State. Salary: N80,000 - N100,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess OND / HND / Bachelor's Degrees in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering, Trade Test I, II, III, NABTEB in Electrical / Fittings with 3+ years relevant work experience.
Sales Agent (Deposit Mobilization) at Kennedia Consulting Limited
Kennedia Consulting Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Agent (Deposit Mobilization). The position is located in Oniru, Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, or a related field with 2 years work experience.
Electrical Instrumentation Engineer at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrical Instrumentation Engineer. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Eng. Instrumentation Engineering with 10-15 years of work experience.
Accounting Assistant at Smart Partners Consulting limited
Smart Partners Consulting Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Accounting Assistant. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an NCE / OND in Accounting or a related field with 3 years work experience.
Project Supervisor at One Charming Party
One Charming Party is recruiting to fill the position of: Project Supervisor. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N150,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an HND / B.Sc qualification in any discipline with relevant experience.
Customer Service Executive at One Charming Party
One Charming Party is recruiting to fill the position of: Customer Service Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N120,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / GSCE with 0 - 1 year work experience.
eHealth Africa Job Recruitment (5 Positions)
eHealth Africa is recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
EOC Office Manager at eHealth Africa
eHealth Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: EOC Office Manager. The position is located in Gusau, Zamfara State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degree in Project Management, Business Administration, Facility Management, Computer Science, or a related field with at least 4 years experience
Pulse Nigeria Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Pulse Nigeria is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Mechanical Maintenance Officer at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Mechanical Maintenance Officer. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering with 10-15 years of work experience.
Technical Sales Executive (Specification Sales) at Armosil West Africa
Armosil West Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Technical Sales Executive (Specification Sales). The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering / Building Technology / Architecture or related fields with 2 - 4 years work experience.
Saro Agrosciences Limited Graduate & Exp. Job Recruitment (7 Positions)
Saro Agrosciences Limited is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following graduate and experienced positions:
Inventory / Storekeeper at a Quick Service Restaurant - Peridot Forte Solutions Consulting
Peridot Forte Solutions Consulting Limited - Our client, a Quick Service Restaurant is recruiting to fill the position of: Inventory / Storekeeper. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an OND qualification in a relevant discipline with 2 years related work experience.
Insurance Officer at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Insurance Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Risk Management & Insurance or related areas with at least 5 years of work experience.
Secretary at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Secretary. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Secretarial Management, Business Administration, or a related field with 1-3 years of work experience.
WPE / Field Officer at Secours Islamique France (SIF)
Secours Islamique France (SIF) is recruiting to fill the position of: WPE / Field Officer. The position is located in Gusau LGA, Zamfara State. Interested candidates should possess a Master's Degree in Social Work, Psychology, Sociology or other discipline with at least 5 years work experience.
Building Technology Technician at Smart Partners Consulting limited
Smart Partners Consulting Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Building Technology Technician. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an NCE / OND in Building Technology or a related field with 3 years work experience.
BT Technologies Limited (BTT) Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
BT Technologies Limited (BTT) is recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Welding and Fabrication Technician at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Welding and Fabrication Technician. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a High School Diploma or equivalent qualification with at least 3 years of work experience.
Project Supervisor (Fiber) at BT Technologies Limited (BTT)
BT Technologies Limited (BTT) is recruiting to fill the position of: Project Supervisor (Fiber). The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
English Instructor at Keen British School
Keen British School is recruiting to fill the position of: English Instructor. The position is located in Okota, Lagos State. Salary: N60,000 - N70,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a B.A / HND in Eglish with 0 - 2 years experience.
Preparatory / Soya line Operator at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Preparatory / Soya line Operator. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of OND or WAEC or equivalent with 2-4 years of work experience.
Dufil Prima Foods Plc Graduate Trainee & Exp. Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Dufil Prima Foods Plc is currently recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following graduate trainee and experienced positions:
Fiber Engineer at BT Technologies Limited (BTT) - 3 Openings
BT Technologies Limited (BTT) is recruiting to fill the position of: Fiber Engineer. The position is located in Abuja, Lagos, and Rivers States. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Mine Surveyor at a Mining & Exploration Company
A Mining & Exploration company is recruiting to fill the position of: Mine Surveyor. The position is located in Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees with 7+ years relevant work experience.
Customer Representative (Female) at LEAM Consulting Limited
LEAM Consulting Limited - Our client is recruiting to fill the position of: Customer Representative (Female). The position is located in Moniya-Ibadan, Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in any relevant field with a minimum of 1 year work experience.
Facility Manager at Nestoil Limited
Nestoil Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Facility Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Engineering, Building Tech (BSc / HND) with at least 10 years work experience.
Life Planners at Enterprise Life Nigeria
Enterprise Life Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Life Planner. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Salary: N70,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND qualification with at least 2 years of work experience.
Maintenance / Facility Officer at Halifield Schools
Halifield Schools is recruiting to fill the position of: Maintenance / Facility Officer. The position is located in Lekki, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess minimum of an OND qualification in Maintenance, Mechanical Engineering or related courses with 5+ years relevant work experience.
Chemical Refinery Operator at Golden Oil Industries Limited
Golden Oil Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Chemical Refinery Operator. The position is located in Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc / HND / National Diploma or equivalent qualification with at least 3 years of work experience.
Storekeeper (Oyo) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Storekeeper.The position is located in Ibadan, Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess OND in Accounting with 2 years experience.
Finance Manager at Tsebo Rapid Nigeria Limited
Tsebo Rapid Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc / HND & Master's in Accounting / Finance.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Social Media Marketer (NYSC) at Salpha Energy Limited
Salpha Energy Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Social Media Marketer (NYSC). The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Interested candidates should be a serving Corp member.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist at TechnoServe
TechnoServe is recruiting to fill the position of: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, Agribusiness, Project Management, Social Sciences or related discipline with 3 years work experience.
Server / HIMS Administrator at BT Technologies Limited (BTT)
BT Technologies Limited (BTT) is recruiting to fill the position of: Server / HIMS Administrator. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Six Sigma Coordinator at Dufil Prima Foods Plc
Dufil Prima Foods Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Six Sigma Coordinator. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Eng. and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food Technology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Biotechnology and Computer Science with 0 - 5 years work experience.
Van Sales Representative (Oyo) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Van Sales Representative. The position is located in Ibadan, Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess an OND in Accounting / Economics / Business Management with 2 years experience.
Rainoil Limited Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Rainoil Limited is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Graduate Engineering Trainee at Dufil Prima Foods Plc
Dufil Prima Foods Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Graduate Engineering Trainee. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an HND in Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering with 0 - 2 years work experience.
Medical Officer at Reddington Hospital
Reddington Hospital is recruiting to fill the position of: Medical Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Medical Degree with at least 1 year experience.
Zonal Program Manager (Plateau) at Malaria Consortium
Malaria Consortium is recruiting to fill the position of: Zonal Program Manager. The position is located in Jos, Plateau State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Zonal Program Manager (Borno) at Malaria Consortium
Malaria Consortium is recruiting to fill the position of: Zonal Program Manager. The position is located in Maiduguri, Borno State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Assistant Human Resources (HR) Manager at Armorsil West Africa
Armorsil West Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Assistant Human Resources (HR) Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees with 4 - 6 years relevant work experience.
Full-time Pharmacist at Alpha Pharmacy & Stores Limited
Alpha Pharmacy & Stores Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Full-time Pharmacist. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Field Assistant at Malaria Consortium
Malaria Consortium is recruiting to fill the position of: Field Assistant. The position is located in Bauchi State. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of Diploma qualification in Nurse, Science, Social Science or Public Health with at least 2 years experience.
Storekeeper (Ekiti) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Storekeeper. The position is located in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. Interested candidates should possess an OND qualification in Accounting with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Van Sales Representative (Osun) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Van Sales Representative. The position is located in Ilesha, Osun State. Interested candidates should possess an OND in Accounts, Economics, or Business Management with 2 years work experience.
Vice President of Product at Renda Limited
Renda Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Vice President of Product. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Internal Control Officer at Rainoil Limited
Rainoil Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Internal Control Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or any Finance related course with at least 4 years experience.
Sales and Marketing Intern at Tizeti Network Limited
Tizeti Network Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales and Marketing Intern. The position is located in Owerri, Imo State. Salary: N30,000 - N50,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess minimum of an OND qualification with 0 - 2 years relevant work experience.
Supervisor at QFA Nigeria Limited
QFA Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Supervisor. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 3 - 6 years experience.
Senior Coordinator, Project Support Unit at eHealth Africa
eHealth Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Coordinator, Project Support Unit. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc. Degree in Project Management and related field with at least 5 years experience.
Electrical Support / Technician at Vagan Oil & Gas Limited
Vagan Oil & Gas Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrical Support / Technician. The position is located in Otumara, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 5 years work experience.
Project Manager - Product Owner for Digital LSFF - SYS-1168 at Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is recruiting to fill the position of: Project Manager - Product Owner for Digital LSFF - SYS-1168. The position is located in Abuja. Salary: N14,956,632 - N17,101,296 per annum. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Information Systems or related field.
Driver at eHealth Africa
eHealth Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Driver. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of Secondary School Education with at least 3 years experince.
Point of Sales Cashiers (POS Operators) at Elevated HR Limited
Elevated HR Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Point of Sales Cashier (POS Operator). The position is located in Aba, Abia State. Salary: N25,000 - N50,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / ND / HND qualification with relevant experience.
HRLeverage Africa Limited Job Recruitment (6 Positions)
HRLeverage Africa Limited is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Account Officer (Oyo) at Saro Agrosciences Limited
Saro Agrosciences Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Account Officer. The position is located in Ibadan, Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess OND in Accounting with 2 years experience.
Sports Marketing Manager at Red Bull
Red Bull is recruiting to fill the position of: Sports Marketing Specialist. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 4 - 5 years work experience.
Procurement / Tendering Officer at Oasis Corporate Systems Limited
Oasis Corporate Systems Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Procurement / Tendering Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management, or any related field with at least 3 years of work experience.
Contact Center Personnel at MacTay Consulting
MacTay Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: Contact Center Personnel. The position is located in Obanikoro, Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a High School Diploma or equivalent with 1-3 years experience.
R&D Assistant Manager at HRLeverage Africa Limited
HRLeverage Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: R&D Assistant Manager. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or related fields with 3+ years relevant work experience.
Associate Manager, IT - West and Central Africa at Evidence Action
Evidence Action is recruiting to fill the position of: Associate Manager, IT - West and Central Africa. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of Bachelor's Degree in Information and Communications Technology with 3 - 5 years work experience.
Truck Driver at Careers Verified Limited
Careers Verified Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Truck Driver. The position is located in Garki, Abuja. Salary: N30,000 N40,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND, SSCE / GCE / NECO with 3 years work experience.
Senior Program Specialist, Governance and Strategies - Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases at PATH Nigeria
PATH Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Program Specialist, Governance and Strategies - Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Master's Degree in Public Health, Science or Medicine, Business Administration, Public Policy, or equivalent.
Station Supervisor at Flowvim Limited
Flowvim Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Station Supervisor. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N65,000 per month. Interested candidates should possess a University Degree / HND in Accounting / Economics / Engineering and other related field with at least 3 years experience.
Production Supervisor at HRLeverage Africa Limited
HRLeverage Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Production Supervisor. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree or HND with 2-7 years experience.
Media Intern at Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF)
Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF) is recruiting to fill the position of: Media Intern. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree.
Microbiologist at HR Leverage Africa Limited
HR Leverage Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Microbiologist. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in relevant fields.
Sandwich Maker at QFA Nigeria Limited
QFA Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sandwich Maker. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Growth Lead at a Leading Logistics Company - Amy Consulting
Amy Consulting - Our client, a Logistics company is recruiting to fill the position of: Growth Lead. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Salary: N150,000 - N250,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 4 - 5 years experience.
Executive Assistant at Septoil Limited
Septoil Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Executive Assistant. The position is located in Ikoyi, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, or a related field with 1 - 2 years relevant work experience.
Personal Driver at Careers Verified Limited
Careers Verified Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Personal Driver. The position is located in Garki, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N65,000 - N70,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND, SSCE / GCE / NECO or NCE qualification with 4 - 8 years of work experience.
Experienced Plumber at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Experienced Plumber. Salary: N80,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Secondary School Certificate, Vocational program or Apprenticeship scheme or both with 3-5 years of work experience.
Assistant Head, Academy at Alfred and Victoria Associates
Alfred and Victoria Associates is recruiting to fill the position of: Assistant Head, Academy. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in relevant fields with 5 years work experience.
Business Development Manager (Financial Sector) at Arit of Africa Limited
Arit of Africa Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Manager (Financial Sector). The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration or an industry-related field.
Personal Assistant to Managing Director at Engee PET Manufacturing Company Nigeria Limited
Engee PET Manufacturing Company Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Personal Assistant to Managing Director. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 5 years experience.
Digital Brand & Product Growth Manager at Lead Enterprise Support Company Limited
Lead Enterprise Support Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Digital Brand & Product Growth Manager. The position is located in Maryland, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Marketing, Mass Communications, Public Relations, or other related courses with a minimum of 4 years experience.
Station Manager at Flowvim Limited
Flowvim Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Station Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 per month. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of University Degree, HND in Accounting, Economics, Engineering, and other related field with a minimum of 3 years experience.
Head of Operations at Servelead Global
Servelead Global is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Operations. The position is located in Kano State. Salary: N4,000,000 - N6,000,000 per annum. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Finance, or a related field with at least 5 years experience.
Graphic Designer at Pulse Nigeria
Pulse Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Graphic Designer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
PR & Internal Communications Manager at Lead Enterprise Support Company Limited
Lead Enterprise Support Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: PR & Internal Communications Manager. The position is located in Maryland, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Marketing, Mass Communications, Public Relations, or other related courses with a minimum of 4 years experience.
Online Media Correspondent at Tempkers Limited
Tempkers Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Online Media Correspondent. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Salary: N120,000 - N150,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 1-3 years of relevant experience.
Head of Governance and Risk at a Leading Financial Institution - Servelead Global
Servelead Global - Our client, a leading Financial Institution is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Governance and Risk. The position is located in Kano State. Salary: N6,500,000 - N8,000,000 per annum. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Business Administration, or a related field with at least 5 years experience.
Admin Officer at Amy Consulting
Amy Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: Admin Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N100,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification with 0 - 2 years experience.
Office Assistant at Amy Consulting
Amy Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: Office Assistant. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Salary: N30,000 - N40,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / GCE / NECO qualification with 0 - 1 year work experience.
Finance Assistant at the Centre for Law Enforcement and Education (CLEEN) Foundation
The Centre for Law Enforcement and Education (CLEEN) Foundation is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance Assistant. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics or any other related field with 3 years experience.
Head of Finance at Servelead Global
Servelead Global - Our client, a leading Nigerian financial institution is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Finance. The position is located in Kano State. Salary: N6,500,000 - N8,000,000 annually. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Accounting, or a related field with 5 - 7 years work experience.
Head of Finance at Victory Travels & Tour Limited
Victory Travels & Tour Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Finance. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting with at least 8 years of work experience.
Administrative Assistant (Female) at a Reputable Skincare Brand - Tempkers Limited
Tempkers Limited - Our client, a reputable Skincare Brand is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Assistant (Female). The position is located in Wuye, Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in a related field with 1 - 3 years work experience.
Senior Manager - Marketing at Ave Maria Multipurpose Investment Limited (AMMIL)
Ave Maria Multipurpose Investment Limited (AMMIL) is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Manager - Marketing. The position is located in Owode, Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc / B.Tech / HND in Business Management with 3 - 5 years experience.
Factory Worker at Jano Industries Nigeria Limited
Jano Industries Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Factory Worker. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Salary: N30,000 - N40,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE qualification with relevant work experience.
HSE Supervisor at CWAY Nigeria Limited
CWAY Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: HSE Supervisor. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N200,000 per month. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc / HND related field with 3 years work experience.
Front Desk and Sales Admin at Armorsil West Africa - 2 Openings
Armorsil West Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Front Desk and Sales Admin. The position is located in Abuja (FCT) and Kano State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 2 - 3 years experience.
Instrumentation Engineer - Abeokuta at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Instrumentation Engineer. The position is located in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Salary: N150,000 - N200,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field with 2 - 5 years work experience.
Marketing and Sales Officer at Smileville Ortho-Dental Limited
Smileville Ortho-Dental Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Marketing and Sales Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Experienced Auditor at MOPSON Pharmaceutical Limited
MOPSON Pharmaceutical Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Experienced Auditor. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an HND / B.Sc with 1 - 3 years work experience.
Product Management Instructor at Torilo Academy
Torilo Academy is recruiting to fill the position of: Product Management Instructor. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a Technology - related field with related relevant experience.
FairMoney Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
FairMoney is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Online and Media Associate (Female) at a Reputable Skincare Brand - Tempkers Limited
Tempkers Limited - Our client, a reputable skincare brand is recruiting to fill the position of: Online and Media Associate. The position is located in Wuye, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N80,000 - N100,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess minimum of a Bachelor's Degree qualification.
Driver at Tyonex Nigeria Limited
Tyonex Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Driver. The position is located in Igando, Lagos State. Salary: N50,000 - N60,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a relevant qualification with 2 - 5 years experience.
Mechanical Engineers at a New Manufacturing Company - Dmot Enterprises (2 Openings)
Dmot Enterprises - Our client, a new Manufacturing company is recruiting to fill the position of: Mechanical Engineer. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc / HND in Mechanical Engineering with 10 - 15 years work experience.
Regional Sales Manager at FairMoney
FairMoney is recruiting to fill the position of: Regional Sales Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in any relevant discipline with 6 - 8 years relevant work experience.
Global Thematic Advisor - Climate Resilient Livelihoods at Christian Aid (CA)
Christian Aid is recruiting for the position of: Global Thematic Advisor - Climate Resilient Livelihoods. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications and experience.
Graphic Designer at Trading Partner Limited
Trading Partner Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Graphic Designer. The position is located in Lekki, Lagos State. Salary: N200,000 - N300,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 2 years experience.
Waitress at Great Ville Hotels
Great Ville Hotels is recruiting to fill the position of: Waitress. The position is located in Ojuelegba Surulere, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / GCE / NECO with 2-5 years work experience.
Land Surveyor at Next Gear Homes Limited
Next Gear Homes Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Land Surveyor. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Accountant at Chemo-Pharma Laboratories Limited
Chemo-Pharma Laboratories Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Accountant. The position is located in Oregun - Ikeja, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Accounting with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Managing Editor at Pulse Nigeria
Pulse Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Managing Editor. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Registered Nurse at First Cardiology Consultants (FCC)
First Cardiology Consultants (FCC) is recruiting to fill the position of: Registered Nurse. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing or related field with 1-3 years experience.
Wema Bank Plc Job Recruitment (12 Positions)
Wema Bank Plc is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
WorQulture Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
WorQulture is recruiting suitably qualified candidates on behalf of its clients in various sectors to fill the following positions:
Relationship Management Officer - Lagos II at Wema Bank Plc (8 Openings)
Wema Bank Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Relationship Management Officer - Lagos II. The position is located in Ikorodu 2, Isolo, Agege, Ajeromi, Aspamda, Badagry, Ebute Metta & Ijede - Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess minimum of First Degrees in any Discipline with 5 - 8 years relevant work experience.
Finance Manager at KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance Manager. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's / Master's Degree in Accounting, Finance and or Business Management or a relevant field with at least 7 years of work experience.
Fullstack Engineer at Unreal Gigs
Unreal Gigs is recruiting to fill the position of: Fullstack Engineer. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: $90,000 - $130,000 annually. Interested candidate should possess a relevant qualification with 5 years experience.
Sales Associate at WorQulture
WorQulture - Our client, a reputable fashion house is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Associate. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an HND or BSc with a minimum of 2 years work experience.
IFRS 9 and Regulatory Reporting Specialist at Wema Bank Plc
Wema Bank Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: IFRS 9 and Regulatory Reporting Specialist. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Accounting, Finance, or related fields with relevant work experience.
Senior Database Engineer at Cavista Technologies
Cavista Technologies is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Database Engineer. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 8+ years experience.
Executive Assistant to a Makeup Artist at WorQulture
WorQulture - Our client is recruiting to fill the position of: Executive Assistant to a Makeup Artist. The position is located in Victoria Island, Lagos State. Salary: N150,000 - N180,000 per month. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in any field with a minimum of 2 years work experience.
Applications Territory Sales Executive at Oracle Nigeria
Oracle Nigeria is recruiting for the position of: Applications Territory Sales Executive. The position is located in Lagos state. Interested candidates should possess 7 years of experience.
Operations & Production Analyst at a Leading Smartcard Manufacturing Plant and Digital Solution Provider - Workforce Group
Workforce Group - Our client, a leading smartcard manufacturing plant and the fastest-growing digital solution provider is recruiting to fill the position of: Operations & Production Analyst. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business or a technical field (Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field) with 2-3 years of work experience.
Cluster Coordinator at the Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) - 4 Openings
The Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) is recruiting to fill the position of: Cluster Coordinator. The position is located in Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, and Osun States. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications in a background in Public Health, Nursing, Social Sciences, Health Sciences or Community Health.
Sales Representative at Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited
Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Representative. The position is located in Victoria Island, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in related fields with 0 - 1 year work experience.
Business Operations Manager (Fashion) at WorQulture
WorQulture - Our client, a Luxury Fashion Brand is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Operations Manager (Fashion). The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a BSc Degree with a minimum of 3 years work experience.
Engineering & Technology Intern (Remote) at Baker Hughes
Baker Hughes is recruiting to fill the position of: Engineering & Technology Intern. The position is located in Onne, Rivers State (Remote). Interested candidates should be currently enrolled or recently graduated in a Bachelor's or Master's level Degree in Engineering, Technology, Mechanics, other STEM-related or Business-related program.
Vice President Academic Affairs / Provost at American University of Nigeria (AUN)
The American University of Nigeria (AUN) is recruiting to fill the position of: Vice President Academic Affairs / Provost. The position is located in Yola, Adamawa State. Interested candidates should possess a Doctoral Degree with 5 years work experience.
Growth Manager (Remote) at Carry1st
Carry1st is recruiting to fill the position of: Growth Manager. The position is located in Lagos State (Remote). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications and work experience.
University Librarian at Emmanuel Alayande University of Education
Emmanuel Alayande University of Education is recruiting to fill the position of: University Librarian. The position is located in Oyo State. Interested candidates should possess a good honors Degree and a recognized professorial qualification in Librarianship with 10 years work experience.
Global Rights Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
Global Rights is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Development Officer at Global Rights
Global Rights is recruiting to fill the position of: Development Officer. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of Bachelor's Degree with at least 5 years of work experience.
St. Francis Catholic Secondary School (SFCSS) Job Vacancies (4 Positions)
St. Francis Catholic Secondary School (SFCSS) is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Special Education Teacher at Thoughtful House Autism Centre
Thoughtful House Autism Centre is recruiting to fill the position of: Special Education Teacher. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in Education, Special Education or a related field with relevant experience.
Procurement Officer at Zindziswa Concept Limited
Zindziswa Concept Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Procurement Officer. The position is located in Sagamu, Ogun State. Salary: N70,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Business Administration or any related field with 1 - 3 years work experience.
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) Job Recruitment (7 Positions)
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Sales Representative at Acabado
Acabado is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Representative. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N65,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND / HND qualification with 2 - 10 years relevant work experience.
Pastry Chef at QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme)
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) is recruiting to fill the position of: Pastry Chef. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification with relevant experience.
Sales Officer at Geoaudits
Geoaudits is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Fitter Machinist - Niger Mills at Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Fitter Machinist - Niger Mills. The position is located in Calabar, Cross River State. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of NABTEB / WAEC qualification with at least 2 years of work experience.
Incsub, LLC Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Incsub, LLC is currently recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
UIPATH RPA Developer at Intelics Solutions Nigeria Limited
Intelics Solutions Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: UIPATH RPA Developer. The position is located in Lagos State. In this role, you will assist in planning, coordinating and supervising all activities related to the design, development and implementation of the systems and software applications.
Radiographer at Redeemers Health Village
Redeemers Health Village is recruiting to fill the position of: Radiographer. The position is located in Mowe / Redemption City, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in Radiography or a related field from an accredited institution.
Ice Cream Maker at QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme)
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) is recruiting to fill the position of: Ice Cream Maker. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with experience.
Company Secretary at Imperial Law Office Attorney
Imperial Law Office Attorney is recruiting to fill the position of: Company Secretary. The position is located in Marina, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc, BA Degrees (2.1) with 4 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Electrician at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Electrician. The position is located in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 1-3 years of work experience.
Aggregator Manager at FairMoney
FairMoney is recruiting to fill the position of: Aggregator Manager. The position is located in Katsina State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc in any discipline with 3-5 years experience.
Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer at Winock Insurance Brokers
Winock Insurance Brokers is recruiting to fill the position of: Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer. The position is located in Wuse, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N200,000 - N300,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree qualification with a minimum of 15 years experience.
Estrada International Staffing Solutions Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
Estrada International Staffing Solutions is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
HR Officer at Adenal Consulting
Adenal Consulting is recruiting to fill the position of: HR Officer. This is a Remote Job. Salary: N100,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in Business Administration or related fields with 3 years work experience.
Restaurant Manager at QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme)
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) is recruiting to fill the position of: Restaurant Manager. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification with relevant experience.
Kitchen Accountant at Chilis Restaurant
Chilis Restaurant is recruiting to fill the position of: Kitchen Accountant. The position is located in Ibadan, Oyo State. Salary: N40,000 - N45,000 monthly. In this role, you will ensure proper and accurate food portioning.
Private Chef at Xpedient Services
Xpedient Services is recruiting to fill the position of: Private Chef. The position is located in Katampe, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N80,000 - N100,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Culinary Degree or equivalent certification with 3 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Secretary / Admin Officer at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Secretary / Admin Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase I, Lagos State. Salary: N150,000 - N200,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an HND / Bachelor's Degree in Office Management and other related discipline.
Executive Assistant to the COO at the Plug
The Plug is recruiting to fill the position of: Executive Assistant to the COO. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 3-5 years experience.
Multi-unit Restaurant Manager at QFA Nigeria Limited
QFA Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Multi-unit Restaurant Manager. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Shift Manager at QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme)
QFA Nigeria Limited (Krispy Kreme) is recruiting to fill the position of: Shift Manager. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 2 - 4 years work experience.
Store Keeper at Chilis Restaurant
Chilis Restaurant is recruiting to fill the position of: Store Keeper. The position is located in Ibadan, Oyo State. Salary: N40,000 - N45,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an HND, NCE, OND or SSCE / GCE / NECO with 1 - 2 years work experience.
Chief Security Officer at Engee PET Manufacturing Company Nigeria Limited
Engee PET Manufacturing Company Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Chief Security Officer. The position is located in Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess 10 years experience.
Business Development Executive at Vixa Cosmetics Company Limited
Vixa Cosmetics Company Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or a related field with 3 years work experience.
Hospital Porter at Redeemer's Health Village
Redeemer's Health Village is recruiting to fill the position of: Hospital Porter. The position is located in Mowe / Redemption City, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess a High School Diploma or equivalent with 1 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Sales Executive at GOFA & Associate Nigeria Limited
GOFA & Associate Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Wuse 2, Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Sales, Marketing, or a related field with 1-3 years of work experience.
Sales Executive at Ogeyi Place Hotels Limited (OPHL)
Ogeyi Place Hotels Limited (OPHL) is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing, Hospitality, or a related field with at least 5 years experience.
Head of Sales & Marketing at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Sales & Marketing. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field with a minimum of 6 years relevant experience.
Sales Executives at Whoosh NG - 10 Openings
Whoosh NG is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Executive. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification with relevant experience.
CNC Operator at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: CNC Operator. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Salary: N350,000 - N80,000 monthly. In this role, you will roll pass cutting for mill rolls and other machining as per drawing.
Monogram Machine Operator at Teng Vogue
Teng Vogue - Our client is recruiting to fill the position of: Monogram Machine Operator. The position is located in Gapiona Road, Benin, Edo State. Salary: N60,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / GCE / NECO with 1 - 2 years work experience.
Graphics Designer at Alpha Pharma
Alpha Pharma is recruiting to fill the position of: Graphics Designer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess releavnt qualifications.
Business Development Officer (Recruitment) at Estrada International Staffing Solutions
Estrada International Staffing Solutions is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Officer (Recruitment). The position is located in Surulere, Lagos State. Salary: N150,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees in Business Management or Administration, Marketing, or related fields with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Truck Mechanic at Choice Talents NG
Choice Talents NG is recruiting to fill the position of: Truck Mechanic. The position is located in Ibafo, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / OND / HND / B.Sc Certification in related fields with at least 3 years of work experience.
Marketing Assistant at Hivebly Holdings
Hivebly Holdings is recruiting to fill the position of: Marketing Assistant. Salary: N300,000 - N500,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Communications, Graphics, Video Production or a related field.
Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic Trainer at International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO)
International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO) is recruiting to fill the position of: Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic Trainer. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates must be a qualified Paramedic, Nurse, or Doctor with at least 3 years experience.
DTF Machine Operator at Teng Vogue
Teng Vogue is recruiting to fill the position of: DTF Machine Operator. The position is located in Benin City, Edo State. Salary: N60,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a High School Diploma or equivalent technical training in printing or related field.
Market Sales Representative at E.E.Emesons Nigeria Limited
E.E.Emesons Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Market Sales Representative. The position is located in Onitsha, Anambra State. Salary: N60,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess minimum of an OND qualification with 2 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Farm Workers at Contec Global Agro Limited
Contec Global Agro Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Farm Worker. The position is located in Eruwa, Ibadan - Oyo State. Salary: N38,000 - N40,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / FSLC with 1-3 years experience
J-Six Group Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
J-Six Group is currently recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Gardener at Ogeyi Place Hotels Limited (OPHL)
Ogeyi Place Hotels Limited (OPHL) is recruiting to fill the position of: Gardener. The position is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Internal Control Officer at J-Six Group
J-Six Group is recruiting to fill the position of: Internal Control Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Salary: N120,000 - N150,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess HND / B.Sc Degrees in Accounting or any other related field with 2 - 3 years relevant work experience.
CampusPress Site Specialist (Remote) at Incsub, LLC
Incsub, LLC is recruiting to fill the position of: CampusPress Site Specialist (WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS). This is a Remote job. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with related work experience.
CampusPress Sales Support Specialist (Remote) at Incsub, LLC
Incsub LLC is recruiting to fill the position of: CampusPress Sales Support Specialist (WordPress, SaaS Sales & Education). This is a Remote job. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Treasury Account Officer at Evans Industries Limited
Evans Industries Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Treasury Account Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc Degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics or related field.
Theme Developer (Remote) at Incsub, LLC
Incsub, LLC is recruiting to fill the position of: Theme Developer. This is a Remote Job. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Kennedia Consulting Limited Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Kennedia Consulting Limited is currently recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
TradeDepot Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
TradeDepot is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Head, Electrical Engineer at SPIE Oil & Gas Services
SPIE Oil & Gas Services is recruiting to fill the position of: Head, Electrical Engineer. The position is located in (Onshore) Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an equivalent of DUT/BTS (French), B.Sc in Electrical Engineering (2.1) with 5 years experience.
Trade Executives at TradeDepot
TradeDepot is recruiting to fill the position of: Trade Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a High School Diploma or equivalent, Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field.
Warehouse Shift Manager at TradeDepot
TradeDepot is recruiting to fill the position of: Warehouse Shift Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, or a related field with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Administrative Officer at J-Six Group
J-Six Group is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase I, Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N90,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an HND / B.Sc. Degree qualification with at least 2 years of work experience.
Financial Officer at Kennedia Consulting Limited
Kennedia Consulting Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Financial Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N350,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree (B.sc) in Finance, Accounting, Economics or a related field with 3 - 5 years work experience.
Premium On-trade Manager at TradeDepot
TradeDepot is recruiting to fill the position of: Premium On-trade Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field with at least 6 years of work experience.
Procurement Officer at J-Six Group
J-Six Group is recruiting to fill the position of: Procurement Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N90,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of HND in Business Administration / Purchasing & Supply / Accounting / Hospitality Management / or related field with at least 2 year of experience.
Supply Chain Executive at a Leading Smartcard Manufacturing Plant - Workforce Group
Workforce Group - Our client, a leading Smartcard Manufacturing Plant and the fastest-growing digital Solution Provider in Africa is recruiting to fill the position of: Supply Chain Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration or a related field with 2 - 3 years work experience.
WordPress Support Specialist (PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML) at WPMU DEV - Remote
WPMU DEV is recruiting to fill the position of: WordPress Support Specialist (PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML). This is a Remote position. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Customer Success Representative (Katsina) at Moniepoint Incorporated
Moniepoint Incorporated is recruiting to fill the position of: Customer Success Representative. The position is located in Katsina State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree.
QA - WordPress Plugin Tester at WPMU DEV
WPMU DEV is recruiting to fill the position of: QA - WordPress Plugin Tester (WordPress, JS, Git, Software testing). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications and experience.
Branch Manager at HRBP Limited
HRBP Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Branch Manager. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc Degree with at least 6 years experience.
Accountant at Estrada International Staffing Solutions
Estrada International Staffing Solutions is recruiting to fill the position of: Accountant. The position is located in Surulere, Lagos State. Salary: N200,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees in Accounting, Finance, or a related field with 1 - 2 years relevant work experience.
Biochemistry Teacher at St. Francis Catholic Secondary School
St. Francis Catholic Secondary School is recruiting to fill the position of: Biochemistry Teacher. The position is located in Idimu, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc. / B.Sc. Ed / PGDE in Biochemistry.
Area Sales Manager - Wines & Spirits at TradeDepot
TradeDepot is recruiting to fill the position of: Area Sales Manager - Wines & Spirits. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field.
Renmoney Nigeria Graduate Trainee Program 2024
Renmoney Nigeria invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for its 2024 Graduate Trainee Program in Ikoyi, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a First Class Degree or equivalent in Engineering, Social Sciences (Finance, Accounting, Law, Mass Communications, Business Administration)
Inventory Officer at Alneli Limited
Alneli Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Inventory Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N130,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc degree / HND qualification in Inventory Management, Accounting, Logistics or related fields with 1 - 2 years work experience.
Territory Sales Manager at Ginos Ventures Limited
Ginos Ventures Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Territory Sales Manager. The position is located in Benin, Edo State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a Medical - related field with a minimum of 5 years experience.
Factory Accountant at Dufil Prima Foods Plc - 6 Openings
Dufil Prima Foods Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Factory Accountant. The position is located in Aba - Abia; Kaduna; Surulere, Lekki - Lagos; Port Harcourt - Rivers States. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Seven-Up Bottling Company Limited Graduate Trainee & Exp. Job Recruitment (5 Positions)
Seven-Up Bottling Company Limited is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following graduate trainee and experienced positions:
Driver at Enabled Business Solutions Limited
Enabled Business Solutions Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Driver. The position is located in Lekki- Ajah Axis, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 5+ years experience.
Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited Graduate & Exp. Job Recruitment (6 Positions)
Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following graduate and experienced positions:
Accountant at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Accountant. The position is located in Aba, Abia State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or a related field with 2- 4 years work experience.
Cyber Security Engineer at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Cyber Security Engineer. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology or a related field with relevant experience.
Business Development Manager at Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited
Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Manager. The position is located in Lagos Island and Lekki-Ajah Axis, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or a related field with 8 - 10 years work experience.
Seven-Up Bottling Company Limited Graduate Trainee Recruitment Program 2024
Seven-Up Bottling Company Limited invites applications from qualified candidates for the 2024 Graduate Trainee Recruitment Program. Interested candidates should possess a First Class or Second Class Upper Degree in relevant fields with 0-2 years of work experience.
Driver at Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited
Brainshare Technologies & Services Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Driver. The position is located in Lagos Island, Lekki-Ajah Axis - Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N92,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess a Secondary School Certificate with at least 3 years work experience.
Inventory Associate at ipNX Nigeria Limited
ipNX Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Inventory Associate. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a University Degree in any discipline with 1 - 2 years work experience.
Urologist at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Urologist. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications in Urology with 5-7 years work experience.
Consultant Pediatrician at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Consultant Pediatrician. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess a Certification by the Nigerian Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) or West African College of Physicians (WACP) in Pediatrics or as a Consultant, as applicable.
Driver at Ascentech Services Limited
Ascentech Services Limited - Our client is recruiting to fill the position of: Driver. The position is located in Asese, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with 3 - 5 years work experience.
Senior Student Recruitment Manager at Zeta Brent Education
Zeta Brent Education is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Student Recruitment Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N200,000 - N300,000 / month. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Child Protection Specialist at the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is recruiting to fill the position of: Child Protection Specialist. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess an Advanced University Degree in International Development, Human Rights, Psychology, Sociology, International Law, or another relevant Social Science field with at least 5 years of work experience.
Experienced English Language / Literature Teacher at Keen British School
Keen British School is recruiting to fill the position of: Experienced English Language / Literature Teacher. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a B.A / B.Ed in English with relevant experience.
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 3 - 7 years experience.
Operational Excellence Supervisor - NYSC at Away Homes and Design Limited
Away Homes and Design Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Operational Excellence Supervisor - NYSC. The position is located in Lekki, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Operations Management, or a related field.
Factory Worker at a Shoes Manufacturing Firm - Karisa Consults Limited
Karisa Consults Limited - Our client, a Shoes Manufacturing firm is recruiting to fill the position of: Factory Worker. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess an OND, NCE, or SSCE qualification with 1 - 2 years work experience.
Human Resources Associate at Away Homes and Design Limited
Away Homes and Design Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Human Resources Associate. The position is located in Lekki, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources or relevant field.
Direct Sales Executive at ipNX Nigeria Limited
ipNX Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Direct Sales Executive. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree in any discipline with relevant work experience.
Head of Marketing at Nairametrics Financial Advocate Limited
Nairametrics is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Marketing. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field with at least 5 years work experience
Front Desk Personnel at Starnet Innovations Limited
Starnet Innovations Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Front Desk Personnel. The position is located in Enugu State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees with 1 - 4 years relevant work experience.
General Surgeon at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: General Surgeon. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess a Medical Degree with 5 - 7 years work experience.
Consultant Ophthalmologist at Lily Hospitals Limited
Lily Hospitals Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Consultant Ophthalmologist. The position is located in Warri, Delta State. Interested candidates should possess minimum of a Fellowship Degree at either West African College of Surgeons or National Postgraduate medical college or any relevant qualification with 5 to 7 years relevant work experience.
Recruiter at Uncle Stan's Foods
Uncle Stan's Foods is recruiting to fill the position of: Recruiter. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N150,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's degree or HND qualification in Human Resources with a minimum of 5 years work experience.
Packaging Machine Operator - Golden Pasta at Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Packaging Machine Operator - Golden Pasta. The position is located in Agbara, Ogun State. Interested candidates should possess an O'Level WAEC / NECO / NABTEB / Trade Test with 2+ years relevant work experience.
Senior Operator (Teeming Crane Operator) at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Operator (Teeming Crane Operator). The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Salary: N350,000 - N800,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualification with relevant experience.
Udemy & Digital Marketer at Chelis Bookazine Limited
Chelis Bookazine Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Udemy & Digital Marketer. The position is located in Surulere, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Communications, or a related field with relevant experience.
Teachers at a Reputable International School - Eden Solutions and Resources Limited - 16 Openings
Eden Solutions and Resources Limited - Our client, a reputable International School is recruiting to fill the position of: Teacher. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Education (B.Ed.) or related fields with 5-10 years of work experience.
Human Resources Director at Beiersdorf
Beiersdorf is recruiting to fill the position of: Human Resources Director. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree or above in HR / Psychology / Business Studies with 10-12 years experience.
Furnace Operator at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Furnace Operator. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Salary: N350,000 - N800,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE qualification with 4 - 5 years relevant work experience.
Bike Fleet Manager at Uncle Stan's Foods
Uncle Stan's Foods is recruiting to fill the position of: Bike Fleet Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N150,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Degree in Logistics or Accounting with a minimum of 4 years work experience.
Human Resource Manager at Xpedient Services
Xpedient Services is recruiting to fill the position of: Human Resource Manager. The position is located in Wuse, Abuja (FCT). Salary: N200,000 - N300,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field with 3 - 10 years work experience.
Record Management Officer at Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) - Belgium
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) - Belgium is recruiting to fill the position of: Record Management Officer. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Digital Marketer Intern at Yaphi Tech Nigeria Limited
Yaphi Tech Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Digital Marketer Intern. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Salary: N80,000 - N100,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing / Digital Marketing / Communications or a related field with relevant experience.
Executive Assistant at Global Rights
Global Rights is recruiting to fill the position of: Executive Assistant. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a minimum of Bachelor's Degree with at least 2 years experience.
Hydraulic Fitter at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Hydraulic Fitter. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Salary: N350,000 - N800,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND qualification with 4 - 8 years work experience.
Program Support Volunteer (Akwa Ibom) at Global Rights
Global Rights is recruiting to fill the position of: Program Support Volunteer. The position is located in Akwa Ibom State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a related field such as Public Policy, Political Science, or Law.
Animation and Multimedia Instructor / Trainer at FlexEdge Limited
FlexEdge Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Animation and Multimedia Instructor / Trainer. The position is located in Victoria Island, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree / HND in Computer Science, Animation, Multimedia, Graphic Design, or a related field with 2-3 years of work experience.
Machinist at Egbin Power Plc
Egbin Power Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Machinist. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess minimum of Trade Test Certificate or its equivalent with 3+ years relevant work experience.
NYSC Corp Member (Front Desk / Secretary) at Bricks and Builders Property
Bricks and Builders Property is recruiting to fill the position of: NYSC Corp Member (Front Desk / Secretary). The position is located in Utako, Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree with 0 - 3 years experience.
Program Support Volunteer (Ebonyi) at Global Rights
Global Rights is recruiting to fill the position of: Program Support Volunteer. The position is located in Ebonyi State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in a related field such as Public Policy, Political Science, or Law.
Senior Chemical Process Engineer at Egbin Power Plc
Egbin Power Plc is recruiting to fill the position of: Senior Chemical Process Engineer. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess Bachelor's Degrees in Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering with 8+ years relevant work experience.
Administrative Assistant (Female) at a Skin Care Brand - Tempkers Limited
Tempkers Limited - Our client, a Skin Care brand is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Assistant (Female). The position is located in Wuye, Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent qualification.
Canonical Nigeria Job Recruitment (9 Positions)
Canonical Nigeria is recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Clients Field Executives at Ayara Ibile Limited - 3 Openings
Ayara Ibile Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Clients Field Executive. The position is located in Yaba / Ogba and Shagari Estate, Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N200,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess an SSCE / OND / HND / B.Sc qualification with relevant experience.
Workshop Mechanical Technician at SPIE Oil & Gas Services
SPIE Oil & Gas Services is recruiting to fill the position of: Workshop Mechanical Technician. Interested candidates should possess a Diploma in Engineering with a minimum of 3 years work experience.
Finance & Operation Officer - RCC Central at African Union (AU)
The African Union (AU) is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance & Operation Officer - RCC Central. The position is located in Libreville, Gabon. Salary: USD84,022.62 (P2 Step 5) annually. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration or a related field with at least 5 years experience.
SalesPlat Technologies Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
SalesPlat Technologies is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Principal Operations Coordinator at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is recruiting to fill the position of: Principal Operations Coordinator. The position is located in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Interested candidates should possess a Master's Degree in Data Sciences, Statistics, Economics, Business Administration or other relevant fields with at least 6 years of work experience.
Talent Sourcing and Branding Manager at Canonical Nigeria
Canonical Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Talent Sourcing and Branding Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degree in Psychology / Industrial Psychology.
CreditRegistry Job Recruitment (4 Positions)
CreditRegistry is recruiting suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) Job Recruitment (3 Positions)
Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) is currently recruiting suitable candidates to fill the following positions:
Head of Organisational Development at Canonical Nigeria
Canonical Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Head of Organisational Development. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Client Service Manager at SIAO Partners
SIAO Partners is recruiting to fill the position of: Client Service Manager. The position is located in Ilupeju, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Communications, or related field with 5 - 7 years experience.
Contracts Lead II at Scruples Resource Limited
Scruples Resource Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Contracts Lead II. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Cloud Support Associate Engineer at Canonical Nigeria
Canonical Nigeria is recruiting to fill the position of: Cloud Support Associate Engineer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's or equivalent four year degree in a technical field.
Sales Officer at CreditRegistry
CreditRegistry is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a BSc Degree or HND in any discipline with at least 3 years work experience.
Continous Caster Machine (CCM) Operator at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Continous Caster Machine (CCM) Operator. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications.
Treasury Operations Officer at Firmus Group
Firmus Group is recruiting to fill the position of: Treasury Operations Officer. The position is located in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess HND / B.Sc Degrees in Finance, Business Administration or Management, Economics, Accounting or any related field with 1 - 3 years relevant work experience.
Caster Fitter, Company / Unit at African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited
African Steel Mills (Nigeria) Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Caster Fitter, Company / Unit. The position is located in Ikorodu, Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Diploma / ITI in Electrical / Mechanical with 6 - 8 years work experience.
Administrative Associate at CreditRegistry
CreditRegistry is recruiting to fill the position of: Administrative Associate. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field with at least 2 years work experience.
Finance and Administrative Specialist at Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)
Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) is recruiting to fill the position of: Finance and Administrative Specialist. The position is located in Sokoto State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Business Administration, Public Administration, Economics, or other relevant fields with at least 8 years of work experience.
Chief Marketing Officer at CreditRegistry
CreditRegistry is recruiting to fill the position of: Chief Marketing Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Master's Degree in Business, Marketing, or related field with at least 12 years work experience.
Patient Care Assistant at Nova Medi-Clinic (NMC)
Nova Medi-Clinic (NMC) is recruiting to fill the position of: Patient Care Assistant. The position is located in Maitama, Abuja. Salary: N80,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess an OND qualification with 0 - 3 years work experience.
Sales Manager at SalesPlat Technologies
SalesPlat Technologies is recruiting to fill the position of: Sales Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N500,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field with at least 6 years experience.
Field Marketer at an Innovative Lending and Service Organization - Salesplat Technologies (Abuja & Lagos)
SalesPlat Technologies - Our client, an innovative lending and service organization is recruiting to fill the position of: Field Marketer. The position is located in Abuja and Lagos State. Salary: N200,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business, Finance, or a related field with 4 years work experience.
Graphics Designer at CreditRegistry
CreditRegistry is recruiting to fill the position of: Graphics Designer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Arts, Design, Communications, or related field with 1 - 3 years work experience.
Corporate Sales Manager at a Leading Travel Company - SalesPlat Technologies
SalesPlat Technologies - Our client, a leading travel company is recruiting to fill the position of: Corporate Sales Manager. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N300,000 - N400,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Business, Marketing, or a related field with 5+ years relevant work experience.
Procurement Officer at a Recycling Company - Willers Solutions Limited
Willers Solutions Limited - Our client, a major operator in the recycling sector is recruiting to fill the position of: Procurement Officer. The position is located in Victoria Island, Lagos State. Salary: N250,000 - N300,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with at least 3 years of work experience.
Female Account Manager at a Vegetable Oil Distribution and Marketing Company - Sales Force Consulting
Sales Force Consulting - Our client, a Vegetable Oil Distribution and Marketing Company is recruiting to fill the position of: Female Account Manager. The position is located in Onitsha, Anambra State. Interested candidates should possess Degree / HND in Accounting with 3 - 5 years experience.
Digital Marketing / Social Media Advert Officer at Marsand Bespoke Joinery
Marsand Bespoke Joinery is recruiting to fill the position of: Digital Marketing / Social Media Advert Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Salary: N100,000 - N200,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in relevant fields with 2 - 5 years work experience.
Tax / Audit Officer at an Audit Firm - HRLeverage Africa Limited
HRLeverage Africa Limited - Our client, an Audit Firm is recruiting to fill the position of: Tax / Audit Officer. The position is located in Lagos State. Interested candidates should possess a Degree in Accounting with 2-3 years of work experience.
Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Officer at Whassan Nigeria Limited
Whassan Nigeria Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Officer. The position is located in Sapele - Delta / Benin - Edo State. Salary: N180,000 - N215,000 Monthly. Interested candidates should possess B.Sc Degrees in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Science, or related fields with 5 - 7 years relevant work experience.
Business Development Manager at Novada Health Limited
Novada Health Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Business Development Manager. The position is located in Abuja (FCT). Interested candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree in relevant fields with 2 - 7 years work experience.
Audit Consultant at the National AIDS / Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Control Programme (NASCP)
The National AIDS / Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Control Programme (NASCP) is recruiting to fill the position of: Audit Consultant. The position is located in Abuja. Interested candidates should possess a Master's Degree with 10 years work experience.
Video Editor at Abakon Integrated Services Limited
Abakon Integrated Services Limited is recruiting to fill the position of: Video Editor. The position is located in Ikeja, Lagos State. Salary: N250,000 - N450,000 monthly. Interested candidates should possess relevant qualifications with relevant experience.
ipNX Nigeria Limited Internship Program 2024 (Abuja, Lagos & Rivers)
ipNX Nigeria Limited invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for its 2024 Internship Program. Interested candidates should possess a B.Sc (2.1) / HND (minimum of Upper Credit) in relevant fields.
IMF: in . Closing date: 1970-01-01
UNOPS: in 3. Closing date: 1970-01-01
Warehouse Manager
WHO: Warehouse Manager in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2023-12-09
NDC Partnership - Country Engagement Specialist (Partnerships Development Officer), Middle East and North Africa Partnerships
UNOPS: NDC Partnership - Country Engagement Specialist (Partnerships Development Officer), Middle East and North Africa Partnerships in Bonn, Germany. Closing date: 2024-03-10
Deputy Project Manager Project Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Deputy Project Manager Project Management | Programme Management in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Closing date: 2024-04-04
Project Manager Project Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Project Manager Project Management | Programme Management in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Closing date: 2024-04-04
Chargé.e dappui à la gestion de projet ? Analyste Principale Project Management
UNOPS: Chargé.e dappui à la gestion de projet ? Analyste Principale Project Management in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Closing date: 2024-04-04
Ingénieur·e civil·e (conducteur.trice de travaux) Engineering
UNOPS: Ingénieur·e civil·e (conducteur.trice de travaux) Engineering in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Closing date: 2024-04-04
Motorista Administration
UNOPS: Motorista Administration in Luanda, Angola. Closing date: 2024-04-06
Service Desk Analyst ( Multiple Positions)
WHO: Service Desk Analyst ( Multiple Positions) in Türkiye-Istanbul. Closing date: 2024-04-08
Data Architect
WHO: Data Architect in Germany-Berlin. Closing date: 2024-04-15
ICT Assistant
WHO: ICT Assistant in Uzbekistan-Tashkent. Closing date: 2024-04-16
NDC Partnership Climate Finance Specialist (Technical Specialist - Environmental) - Cambodia - Retainer Partnerships | Environment
UNOPS: NDC Partnership Climate Finance Specialist (Technical Specialist - Environmental) - Cambodia - Retainer Partnerships | Environment in Home based. Closing date: 2024-04-17
Oficial Sénior de Comunicaciones Communications
UNOPS: Oficial Sénior de Comunicaciones Communications in San José, Costa Rica. Closing date: 2024-04-21
Environmental Engineering Technician - Senior Analyst (AQMN) - Retainer Environment
UNOPS: Environmental Engineering Technician - Senior Analyst (AQMN) - Retainer Environment in Beirut, Lebanon. Closing date: 2024-04-22
Environmental and Social Safeguards Officer Health, Safety and Environment
UNOPS: Environmental and Social Safeguards Officer Health, Safety and Environment in Pemba, Nampula or Niassa, Mozambique. Closing date: 2024-04-23
Public Health Intelligence & Information Management Officer
WHO: Public Health Intelligence & Information Management Officer in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-04-24
Architect Engineering
UNOPS: Architect Engineering in Podgorica, Montenegro. Closing date: 2024-04-25
Technical Advisor - Fortalecimiento Institucional Project Management
UNOPS: Technical Advisor - Fortalecimiento Institucional Project Management in Guatemala, City, Guatemala. Closing date: 2024-04-28
Finance Associate (Re-advertised) Administration | Finance
UNOPS: Finance Associate (Re-advertised) Administration | Finance in Bangkok, Thailand. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Finance Officer (Treasury and Risk Management)
WHO: Finance Officer (Treasury and Risk Management) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Senior Technical Lead (Organizational Change)
WHO: Senior Technical Lead (Organizational Change) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Consultant - HIV strategic information, modeling, and digital health data
WHO: Consultant - HIV strategic information, modeling, and digital health data in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Consultant International (analyse des indicateurs sanitaire de la RCA dans le cadre d?appui au pays pour investir pour un impact)
WHO: Consultant International (analyse des indicateurs sanitaire de la RCA dans le cadre d?appui au pays pour investir pour un impact) in Central African Republic-Bangui. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Environmental and Social Safeguard - Senior Analyst Project Management
UNOPS: Environmental and Social Safeguard - Senior Analyst Project Management in Multiple (Cap Haiten and Les Cayes), Haiti. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Analista Senior de Asuntos Juridicos (asuntos relativos a ley nacional) Legal
UNOPS: Analista Senior de Asuntos Juridicos (asuntos relativos a ley nacional) Legal in Quito, Ecuador. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Civil Engineer Engineering
UNOPS: Civil Engineer Engineering in Beirut, Lebanon. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Project Management Support Associate Administration | Programme Management
UNOPS: Project Management Support Associate Administration | Programme Management in Beirut, Lebanon. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Consultancy to conduct data analysis and develop the report for the Dolutegravir Cohort Event Monitoring survey
WHO: Consultancy to conduct data analysis and develop the report for the Dolutegravir Cohort Event Monitoring survey in Tanzania, United Republic of. Closing date: 2024-04-29
National Professional Officer (PRSEAH)
WHO: National Professional Officer (PRSEAH) in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Roster of consultants - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
WHO: Roster of consultants - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Consultant - WHO benchmarks for the practice of Nuad Thai
WHO: Consultant - WHO benchmarks for the practice of Nuad Thai in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Consultant - Mentorship and Classification of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs)
WHO: Consultant - Mentorship and Classification of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader (Readvertisment) Project Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader (Readvertisment) Project Management | Programme Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Project Manager Project Management
UNOPS: Project Manager Project Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Country Manager (Internal Candidates Only) Project Management | Leadership | Partnerships | Programme Management
UNOPS: Country Manager (Internal Candidates Only) Project Management | Leadership | Partnerships | Programme Management in Kinshasa (Family duty station), Democratic Republic of the Congo. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Senior Driver-Internationals Only Administration
UNOPS: Senior Driver-Internationals Only Administration in Jerusalem with regular travel to the West Bank & Jordan. Closing date: 2024-04-29
Director, Noncommunicable Diseases
WHO: Director, Noncommunicable Diseases in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Senior Human Resources Officer
WHO: Senior Human Resources Officer in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Driver Administration
UNOPS: Driver Administration in Kabul, Afghanistan. Closing date: 2024-04-30
ICT Assistant IT
UNOPS: ICT Assistant IT in Kabul, Afghanistan. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Medical Officer (Newborn Health)
WHO: Medical Officer (Newborn Health) in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Compliance and Risk Management Specialist- CPCP
WHO: Compliance and Risk Management Specialist- CPCP in Myanmar-Yangon. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Programme Management - Senior Officer (Health Systems Strengthening) - Retainer Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management - Senior Officer (Health Systems Strengthening) - Retainer Programme Management in Home based. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Procurement and Contracts Management Specialist Procurement
UNOPS: Procurement and Contracts Management Specialist Procurement in Juba, South Sudan. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Procurement Senior Officer Procurement
UNOPS: Procurement Senior Officer Procurement in Herat, Afghanistan. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Lead Civil Engineer Engineering
UNOPS: Lead Civil Engineer Engineering in Lilongwe, Malawi. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Investigations Specialist (Lead - Workstream 2) Project Management | Investigation
UNOPS: Investigations Specialist (Lead - Workstream 2) Project Management | Investigation in Kathmandu, Nepal. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Organizational Development Specialist (Lead Workstream 1) Project Management
UNOPS: Organizational Development Specialist (Lead Workstream 1) Project Management in Kathmandu, Nepal. Closing date: 2024-04-30
EPI Officer - Grade NOA
WHO: EPI Officer - Grade NOA in South Sudan-Wau. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Asistente Senior de Finanzas Finance
UNOPS: Asistente Senior de Finanzas Finance in Lima, Peru. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Deputy Project Manager Project Management
UNOPS: Deputy Project Manager Project Management in Baghdad,Iraq (Travels to Anbar and Ninewa Governorates), Iraq. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Architectural Healthcare Planner - Retainer Health, Safety and Environment
UNOPS: Architectural Healthcare Planner - Retainer Health, Safety and Environment in Amman, Jordan. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Health, Safety, Social and Environmental Senior Analyst Environment
UNOPS: Health, Safety, Social and Environmental Senior Analyst Environment in Luanda, Angola. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Team Assistant (Supply)
WHO: Team Assistant (Supply) in Egypt-Cairo. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Consultant - Health Workforce Strategy, Honiara, Solomon Islands
WHO: Consultant - Health Workforce Strategy, Honiara, Solomon Islands in Solomon Islands-Honiara. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Community Policing Partnership (CCP) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Specialist (Lead Workstream-3) Project Management | Partnerships
UNOPS: Community Policing Partnership (CCP) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Specialist (Lead Workstream-3) Project Management | Partnerships in Kathmandu, Nepal. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Programme Management Associate Engineering | Project Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Associate Engineering | Project Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Closing date: 2024-04-30
WHO: Driver in Burkina Faso-Ouagadougou. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Assistant Procurements
WHO: Assistant Procurements in Comoros-Moroni. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Public Health Officer (health promotion and determinants)
WHO: Public Health Officer (health promotion and determinants) in Rwanda-Kigali. Closing date: 2024-04-30
Global Health Emergency Corp Team Lead
WHO: Global Health Emergency Corp Team Lead in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Technical Officer, Digital Health for emergencies and GIS
WHO: Technical Officer, Digital Health for emergencies and GIS in Türkiye-Istanbul. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Technical Officer (Palliative Care)
WHO: Technical Officer (Palliative Care) in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Roster for Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) ? Senior Web Developer
WHO: Roster for Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) ? Senior Web Developer in India-New Delhi,India-Bengaluru. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Finance Assistant Administration | Finance
UNOPS: Finance Assistant Administration | Finance in Bangkok, Thailand. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Especialista de Monitoreo y Evaluación (Retainer) Engineering | Project Management | Environment
UNOPS: Especialista de Monitoreo y Evaluación (Retainer) Engineering | Project Management | Environment in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Programme Management Specialist Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Specialist Programme Management in New York*, United States of America. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Procurement Specialist - Policy and System Procurement
UNOPS: Procurement Specialist - Policy and System Procurement in Copenhagen, Denmark. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Senior Programme Coordinator
WHO: Senior Programme Coordinator in Nepal-Kathmandu. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Finance Assistant
WHO: Finance Assistant in South Africa-Pretoria. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Health Emergency Support Officer
WHO: Health Emergency Support Officer in Fiji-Suva. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Senior Programme Manager [Mitigation] Communications
UNOPS: Senior Programme Manager [Mitigation] Communications in New York, United States of America. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Developmental assignment - Data Management Associate
WHO: Developmental assignment - Data Management Associate in India-New Delhi. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Security Associate Security
UNOPS: Security Associate Security in Gaza. Closing date: 2024-05-01
Driver (Bié)
WHO: Driver (Bié) in Angola. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader Project Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader Project Management | Programme Management in Dakar, Senegal. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Public Health support Officer (disease control)
WHO: Public Health support Officer (disease control) in Sierra Leone-Freetown. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Team Lead (Reproductive and Maternal Health)
WHO: Team Lead (Reproductive and Maternal Health) in Sierra Leone-Freetown. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Technical Officer (Sexual and Reproductive Health)
WHO: Technical Officer (Sexual and Reproductive Health) in Sierra Leone-Freetown. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Protocol Assistant (Governing Bodies)
WHO: Protocol Assistant (Governing Bodies) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Technical Officer, Regional Steering Committee (RSC), Fixed-term, P4, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
WHO: Technical Officer, Regional Steering Committee (RSC), Fixed-term, P4, Phnom Penh, Cambodia in Cambodia-Phnom Penh. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Head of Principal Recipient Global Fund Management Health | Programme Management
UNOPS: Head of Principal Recipient Global Fund Management Health | Programme Management in Yangon, Myanmar. Closing date: 2024-05-02
M&E of Adaptation Advisor (Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor), Retainer Climate
UNOPS: M&E of Adaptation Advisor (Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor), Retainer Climate in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Consultant - Epidemiologist - (Environmental and Wastewater Surveillance)
WHO: Consultant - Epidemiologist - (Environmental and Wastewater Surveillance) in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Data Management Associate
WHO: Data Management Associate in Jordan-Amman. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Assistant to the Head of WHO Country Office
WHO: Assistant to the Head of WHO Country Office in Jordan-Amman. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Pharmaceuticals and Supply Chain Officer
WHO: Pharmaceuticals and Supply Chain Officer in Jordan-Amman. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Especialista de Desarrollo de Alianzas (Desarrollo Portafolio) Project Management | Partnerships
UNOPS: Especialista de Desarrollo de Alianzas (Desarrollo Portafolio) Project Management | Partnerships in Quito, Ecuador. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Review of Regional practices in Guideline adaptation
WHO: Review of Regional practices in Guideline adaptation in Egypt-Cairo. Closing date: 2024-05-02
Lead Architect Engineering
UNOPS: Lead Architect Engineering in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Technical Officer, Health Promotion, Life Course and Determinants
WHO: Technical Officer, Health Promotion, Life Course and Determinants in Trinidad and Tobago-Port of Spain. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Director, Global Coordination and Partnership
WHO: Director, Global Coordination and Partnership in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Roster of consultants - Development of technical products and grant proposals for diabetes
WHO: Roster of consultants - Development of technical products and grant proposals for diabetes in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Roster of consultants - WHO Global Traditional Medicine Center (WHO/GTMC)
WHO: Roster of consultants - WHO Global Traditional Medicine Center (WHO/GTMC) in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-03
HR Senior Assistant Administration
UNOPS: HR Senior Assistant Administration in Kathmandu, Nepal. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Asociado/a Sénior de Gestión Social Project Management
UNOPS: Asociado/a Sénior de Gestión Social Project Management in Multiple duty station, Costa Rica. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Programme Assistant
WHO: Programme Assistant in Afghanistan-Kabul. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Programme Management Specialist (Malaria) Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Specialist (Malaria) Programme Management in Yangon, Myanmar. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Gerente de Proyecto Engineering | Project Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Gerente de Proyecto Engineering | Project Management | Programme Management in Lima, Peru. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Consultant - Communication ? Non-communicable diseases
WHO: Consultant - Communication ? Non-communicable diseases in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Consultant - Health and Human Rights
WHO: Consultant - Health and Human Rights in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Programme Officer Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Officer Programme Management in Baghdad, Iraq. Closing date: 2024-05-03
Training Officer
WHO: Training Officer in Türkiye-Istanbul. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
WHO: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer in Israel-Jerusalem. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Senior Project Manager Project Management
UNOPS: Senior Project Manager Project Management in Jerusalem, with regular travel within the occupied Palestinian territory and occasional travel to ot. Closing date: 2024-05-05
NPO (Prevention of & Response to Sexual Misconduct - PRS)
WHO: NPO (Prevention of & Response to Sexual Misconduct - PRS) in Malawi-Lilongwe. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Asociado/a de Administración Administration
UNOPS: Asociado/a de Administración Administration in Multiple duty station, Costa Rica. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Oficial de Adquisiciones Procurement
UNOPS: Oficial de Adquisiciones Procurement in Múltiple, Costa Rica. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Especialista de Adquisiciones Procurement
UNOPS: Especialista de Adquisiciones Procurement in San José, Costa Rica. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Programme Management - Senior Officer (Security Risk Management) - Maternity Cover Security | Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management - Senior Officer (Security Risk Management) - Maternity Cover Security | Programme Management in Yangon, Myanmar. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Procurement Associate Procurement
UNOPS: Procurement Associate Procurement in Islamabad, Pakistan. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Programme Management Analyst Programme Management
UNOPS: Programme Management Analyst Programme Management in Yangon (Non-Family Duty Station), Myanmar. Closing date: 2024-05-05
NDC Partnership In-Country Facilitator (Jordan) - Partnership Specialist Retainer Partnerships
UNOPS: NDC Partnership In-Country Facilitator (Jordan) - Partnership Specialist Retainer Partnerships in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Civil Site Engineer Engineering
UNOPS: Civil Site Engineer Engineering in Multiple sites in Jordan, Jordan. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Surveillance Officer
WHO: Surveillance Officer in Rwanda-Kigali. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Reproductive, Maternal & Neonatal Health Officer
WHO: Reproductive, Maternal & Neonatal Health Officer in Rwanda-Kigali. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Technical Officer Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) Officer
WHO: Technical Officer Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) Officer in South Sudan-Juba. Closing date: 2024-05-05
Project Management Support Officer (Retainer) Communications | Project Management | Urban Planning/Design
UNOPS: Project Management Support Officer (Retainer) Communications | Project Management | Urban Planning/Design in Amman, Jordan. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Project Management Support Senior Officer Communications | Project Management
UNOPS: Project Management Support Senior Officer Communications | Project Management in Amman, Jordan. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Unit Lead (NCD Management)
WHO: Unit Lead (NCD Management) in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Health Service Delivery Specialist
WHO: Health Service Delivery Specialist in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-06
WHO: Assistant in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Technical Officer (Strategic Planning and Partnership)
WHO: Technical Officer (Strategic Planning and Partnership) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Health Governance Specialist
WHO: Health Governance Specialist in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Technical Officer (Measles and Rubella Control)
WHO: Technical Officer (Measles and Rubella Control) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Programme Associate (Multiple Positions)
WHO: Programme Associate (Multiple Positions) in Türkiye-Ankara. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Technical Officer (Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Immunization)
WHO: Technical Officer (Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Immunization) in Papua New Guinea-Port Moresby. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Coordinator Mental Health, P5, FT, Manila -Philippines
WHO: Coordinator Mental Health, P5, FT, Manila -Philippines in Philippines-Manila. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Executive Assistant (Human Resources)
WHO: Executive Assistant (Human Resources) in India-New Delhi. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Senior Officer (Data monitoring and Analysis)
WHO: Senior Officer (Data monitoring and Analysis) in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Chargé.e dAppui au Projet Project Management
UNOPS: Chargé.e dAppui au Projet Project Management in Morondava, Madagascar. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Procurement Specialist (Radiological and Nuclear Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management
UNOPS: Procurement Specialist (Radiological and Nuclear Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Procurement Specialist (Biological Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management
UNOPS: Procurement Specialist (Biological Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Procurement Specialist (Chemical Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management
UNOPS: Procurement Specialist (Chemical Equipment Specialist) - Retainer Programme Management in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Data Manager - POLIO SSA
WHO: Data Manager - POLIO SSA in Mozambique-Maputo. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Field Security Officer
WHO: Field Security Officer in Türkiye-Gaziantep. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Consultant - Mentorship and Classification of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs)
WHO: Consultant - Mentorship and Classification of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Consultant - Clinical Research
WHO: Consultant - Clinical Research in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Consultant - To support the activities of the multi-partner Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative in Africa
WHO: Consultant - To support the activities of the multi-partner Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative in Africa in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Program Officer, Global Health, Global Challenges Division, Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector
WIPO: Program Officer, Global Health, Global Challenges Division, Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector in Switzerland-CH-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Program Officer, Division for Latin America and the Caribbean, Department for Development Cooperation, Regional and National Development Sector
WIPO: Program Officer, Division for Latin America and the Caribbean, Department for Development Cooperation, Regional and National Development Sector in Switzerland-CH-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Administration Associate (Retainer) Administration
UNOPS: Administration Associate (Retainer) Administration in Warsaw, Poland. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Communications Senior Advisor - Public Relations and Outreach [Public Mobilization and Communication] Communications
UNOPS: Communications Senior Advisor - Public Relations and Outreach [Public Mobilization and Communication] Communications in New York, United States of America. Closing date: 2024-05-06
HR Associate Human Resources
UNOPS: HR Associate Human Resources in Amman, Jordan. Closing date: 2024-05-06
Business Analyst IT
UNOPS: Business Analyst IT in Copenhagen, Denmark. Closing date: 2024-05-07
HR Specialist (Administrative Law)
WHO: HR Specialist (Administrative Law) in Hungary-Budapest. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Business Operations Associate
WHO: Business Operations Associate in Bulgaria-Sofia. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Communications Officer
WHO: Communications Officer in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Technical Officer (Quality Management)
WHO: Technical Officer (Quality Management) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-07
AI Software Engineer Lead
WHO: AI Software Engineer Lead in Türkiye-Istanbul. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Project Management Officer
WHO: Project Management Officer in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Public health Specialist (epidemiology)
WHO: Public health Specialist (epidemiology) in Central African Republic-Bangui. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Medical Officer (Child Health)
WHO: Medical Officer (Child Health) in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Fixed Asset Assistant
WHO: Fixed Asset Assistant in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Partnerships Development Manager (Oficial) Partnerships
UNOPS: Partnerships Development Manager (Oficial) Partnerships in Brasília, Brazil. Closing date: 2024-05-07
ICT Senior Assistant IT
UNOPS: ICT Senior Assistant IT in Valencia, Spain. Closing date: 2024-05-07
ICT Associate IT
UNOPS: ICT Associate IT in Valencia, Spain. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Consultant - Environmental and Wastewater Surveillance
WHO: Consultant - Environmental and Wastewater Surveillance in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Business operations associate (Procurement) (PN 458415)
WHO: Business operations associate (Procurement) (PN 458415) in Egypt-Cairo. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Consultant - Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Manila, Philippines
WHO: Consultant - Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Manila, Philippines in Philippines-Manila. Closing date: 2024-05-07
ICT Associate IT
UNOPS: ICT Associate IT in Valencia, Spain. Closing date: 2024-05-07
Programme Assistant
WHO: Programme Assistant in Burundi-Bujumbura. Closing date: 2024-05-07
HR Associate - Pre-Clearance Administration | Human Resources
UNOPS: HR Associate - Pre-Clearance Administration | Human Resources in Bangkok, Thailand. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Technical Officer (Immunization Equity)
WHO: Technical Officer (Immunization Equity) in Denmark-Copenhagen. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Consultant - Cervical cancer
WHO: Consultant - Cervical cancer in Anywhere. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Information Assistant
WHO: Information Assistant in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Consultant for developing guidelines on Self-care interventions for SRHR in Zimbabwe
WHO: Consultant for developing guidelines on Self-care interventions for SRHR in Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe-Harare. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Driver/Protocol Assistant
WHO: Driver/Protocol Assistant in Senegal-Dakar. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Senior Business Operations Associate (Logistics) (PN 458448)
WHO: Senior Business Operations Associate (Logistics) (PN 458448) in Egypt-Cairo. Closing date: 2024-05-08
PRS Technical Officer
WHO: PRS Technical Officer in Jordan-Amman. Closing date: 2024-05-08
WHO: Driver in Timor-Leste-Dili. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Finance Assistant
WHO: Finance Assistant in Timor-Leste-Dili. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Technical Officer (Health Financing for UHC-HCF)
WHO: Technical Officer (Health Financing for UHC-HCF) in Rwanda-Kigali. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Auxiliar de Administración (Género, Diversidad e Inclusión Social) Administration
UNOPS: Auxiliar de Administración (Género, Diversidad e Inclusión Social) Administration in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Gerente Adjunto/a de Projetos (Parcerias público privadas) Project Management
UNOPS: Gerente Adjunto/a de Projetos (Parcerias público privadas) Project Management in Brasilia (Family Duty Station), Brazil. Closing date: 2024-05-08
Programme Assistant
WHO: Programme Assistant in Armenia-Yerevan. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Technical Officer (Service Delivery Management)
WHO: Technical Officer (Service Delivery Management) in India-New Delhi. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Policy Analyst
WHO: Policy Analyst in Kazakhstan-Almaty. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Senior Advisor, Communications and External Relations P5, Beijing, China
WHO: Senior Advisor, Communications and External Relations P5, Beijing, China in China-Beijing. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Strategic Health Information Officer
WHO: Strategic Health Information Officer in Tanzania, United Republic of-Dodoma,Tanzania, United Republic of. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Support Services Senior Assistant - Retainer Project Management
UNOPS: Support Services Senior Assistant - Retainer Project Management in Home based. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Procurement Assistant I (CO)
WHO: Procurement Assistant I (CO) in Guatemala-Guatemala City. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Health Operations Manager
WHO: Health Operations Manager in Egypt-Cairo. Closing date: 2024-05-09
WHO: Epidémiologiste in Burundi. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Programme Assistant Roster
WHO: Programme Assistant Roster in Ukraine-Kyiv. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Especialista en Inteligencia de Mercado (Adquisiciones de Salud) Administration | Procurement
UNOPS: Especialista en Inteligencia de Mercado (Adquisiciones de Salud) Administration | Procurement in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Monitoring & Evaluation Senior Officer (Internal Announcement) Health
UNOPS: Monitoring & Evaluation Senior Officer (Internal Announcement) Health in Yangon, Myanmar. Closing date: 2024-05-09
Communications Manager Communications | Water Management | Programme Management
UNOPS: Communications Manager Communications | Water Management | Programme Management in Geneva, Switzerland. Closing date: 2024-05-10
HR Business Officer (IVB/UHL)
WHO: HR Business Officer (IVB/UHL) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Senior Advisor, Accounting Operations & Statutory Reporting
WHO: Senior Advisor, Accounting Operations & Statutory Reporting in United States-Washington, D.C.. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Director, Human Resources and Talent Management
WHO: Director, Human Resources and Talent Management in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Technical Officer (Pandemic Preparedness)
WHO: Technical Officer (Pandemic Preparedness) in Switzerland-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Planning Officer
WHO: Planning Officer in Congo-Brazzaville. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Senior Travel Assistant, Travel and Mission Support Section, Central Services Division, Administration, Finance and Management Sector
WIPO: Senior Travel Assistant, Travel and Mission Support Section, Central Services Division, Administration, Finance and Management Sector in Switzerland-CH-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Travel Assistant, Travel and Mission Support Section, Central Services Division, Administration, Finance and Management Sector
WIPO: Travel Assistant, Travel and Mission Support Section, Central Services Division, Administration, Finance and Management Sector in Switzerland-CH-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Assistant, (G4), Temporary, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
WHO: Assistant, (G4), Temporary, Phnom Penh, Cambodia in Cambodia-Phnom Penh. Closing date: 2024-05-10
WHO: Assistant in Cambodia-Phnom Penh. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Business Analyst, Operations Service, The Hague Registry, Brands and Designs Sector
WIPO: Business Analyst, Operations Service, The Hague Registry, Brands and Designs Sector in Switzerland-CH-Geneva. Closing date: 2024-05-10
Roster for Technical Officer-NCD/RMNCAH Programmes
WHO: Roster for Technical Officer-NCD/RMNCAH Programmes in India-New Delhi. Closing date: 2024-05-10
UN Job List - feed is limited to 200 jobs. Visit http://unjoblist.org/ for your custom feed.
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